

Going a little further, Nityananda again said, “See here Samudragada. O wise one, both Dvārakā Puri and Ganga-sāgara are directly present here. Samudra Sena, a king and great devotee, held Krsna as all in all. When Bhima came here with his soldiers to conquer all opponents, he surrounded Samudragada. The king knew that Kṛṣṇa was the only resort of the Pandavas and that when they were in danger, He would come to their rescue. He thought that if he could get Bhima to show some fear and cry out, then Krsna would appear, being merciful to His devotees.
“He will be kind and come to this servant’s country, and I will easily see the blackish form of Kṛṣṇa with my own eyes.’ Thinking like this, he gathered together his soldiers, elephants, horses, and foot soldiers and went to battle. He began firing his arrows while remembering Kṛṣṇa. Bhima was very oppressed by the shower of arrows, and in great danger he called for Krsna within his mind, O Lord, protect Your Bhima! Give me shelter at Your lotus feet. I cannot fight with Samudra Sena. If he were to defeat me, that would be humiliating. O merciful Krsna! You are the Lord of the Pandavas, so if I am defeated it will be very shameful news.’
“Hearing the plaintive call of Bhima, Krsna appeared on the battlefield. No one could see that form except the King. The complexion of His youthful form was like the color of a new cloud. Around His neck hung a garland, and on His head a crown sparkled. His wonderful form was covered with yellow garments, and His limbs were decorated with beautiful ornaments.
“Seeing that form, the king fainted in ecstasy. After controlling himself, he revealed his desire to the Lord, O Kṛṣṇa, You are the Lord of the universe, the deliverer of the fallen. Seeing me so fallen, You have appeared here. Everyone sings the glories of Your pastimes, and hearing that, I desired to see them. But my vow was that you should appear in Navadvipa. Now that I see Your enchanting form here, I will never leave Navadvipa. You have mercifully upheld my vow by appearing in the form of Krsna in Navadvipa. But my desire goes even further. Please become Gauranga before my very eyes!’
“As he looked on, the king beheld the sweet pastimes of Radha and Kṛṣṇa. In the forest of Kumuda, Krsna and His friends performed their afternoon activities of going to herd the cows.
Then in an instant this lila disappeared and he saw Gaurānga with His devotees in a huge kirtana. Gauranga was dancing and singing. His brilliant golden complexion was most enchanting, His eyes rolled as if due to intoxication, and His mind was agitated with love.
“When he saw this, the king considered his great fortune and offered prayers at the Lord’s lotus feet. In a few moments, however, this all vanished. Deprived, the king began to weep.
“Bhima had not been able to see this incident and thought that the king had suddenly become afraid of his prowess. And the king, who was completely satisfied, simply begged to pay his tax. Bhima took the levy and went off to other places. The whole world sings the praises of Bhima, conqueror of all directions.
“That incident took place at Samudragada, on the edge of Navadvipa. Even Brahma cannot know the glories of this place. The ocean once took shelter of the Jahnavi and came here to serve the Lord’s feet with devotion. Jahnavi said, ‘O ocean, very soon my Lord will stay in a forest on your shore.’
“The ocean answered, ‘Listen, goddess! The son of Saci will never leave Navadvipa. Although He will stay for some days on my shores, He will remain here unseen to the common eye. This Navadvipa is the eternal abode of the Lord. All the Vedas sing of His manifest and unmanifest pastimes here. O beautiful one! I will stay here under your shelter and serve Gauranga in Navadvipa.’ Thus the milky ocean stayed at Navadvipa, contemplating always the eternal pastimes of Gauranga.”
(Sri Navadvipa-Dhama-Mahatmya, Chapter 11)

In the Mahabharata, concerning Samudragada there is the following statement: “O King, all the seventy million tirthas of this universe are present in Sapta Samudra-tirtha.”
In the Visnu Purana it is said: “This is the ninth island. surrounded by the ocean.”
(Sri Navadvipa-Dhama-Mahatmya, Pramana-Khanda, Chapter 3)

Further on from here lies Samudragada, purifier of the whole universe. King Samudra Sena formerly fought here with Bhima and received darsana of the Lord, who acknowledges His pure devotees.
Taking shelter of the Ganges, the ocean comes here and is overcome with love on seeing the Lord’s Navadvipa pastimes. The demigods and demons see Ganga-sägara eternally shining here in Navadvipa.
The fortunate living entities see Koladvipa as nondifferent to the supemely blissful Bahulavana of Vraja. Sri Gauranga and His associates, absorbed in kirtana, often come and dance here.
(Sri Navadvipa Bhava-taranga)

Sree Samudragarh Sree Sree Radha Gobindo Mandir Doltala


Information – In 1992, an ancient banyan tree was felled by a storm, and though no archaeological remains exist, its name still endures within the local panchayat. Today, a temple stands on the very site where Samudra Sena once had darshan of Lord Gauranga. This sacred place was established by Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaj. The current deities of Sri Sri Radha Govinda have been worshipped for the past decade.