Sapta Rishi Bhajan Sthala


Coming to Madhyadvipa, Nityananda smiled and said, “This is Mājidā-grāma. The seven rşis (In the current Manu’s reign, the seven sages are: Kasyapa, Atri, Vasistha, Visvamitra, Gautama, Jamadagni, and Bharadvaja) stayed here a long time and engaged in worshiping Gauranga.
“In Satya-yuga, the rsis began singing the glories of Gaura in their father’s presence. Completely absorbed, they begged for the eternal treasure of gaura-prema. Lord Brahma was pleased with his seven sons and told them, ‘Go to Navadvipa and sing the glories of Gaura, then you will easily attain prema. Whoever gets the mercy of the dhama, gets the association of devotees. Then, by worshiping in the association of devotees, you will become absorbed in kṛṣṇa-prema. That is the supreme activity. Whoever gets attraction for Navadvipa will receive the benediction of living in Vraja. To live in the spiritual dhama and recite the name of Gaura is the only aspiration of the devotees.
“The seven rsis took their father’s instructions to heart and came to this place. When they arrived, they engaged in dancing and chanting the name of Hari. They begged for gaura-prema while singing the Lord’s glories in a loud voice, ‘O Gaurahari, be merciful and reveal Yourself to us just once! Being offenders, we have followed many paths, but now we are taking to the path of devotional service.’
“The rṣis underwent austerities and became firmly situated in devotional service by worshiping Gauranga. They completely gave up eating and sleeping and simply recited the name of Gaura. Around noon (madhyahna), the all-merciful Lord Gauranga appeared before the rṣis.
“The Lord was as brilliant as a hundred suns, and He attracted the minds of the yogis. He appeared with the Pañca-tattva. How extraordinary was that form! His form had a beautiful golden hue. Around His neck was a garland of flowers, and His glittering ornaments illuminated all directions. His glance was beautiful, His hair was long and curled, and a dot of sandalwood decorated His forehead. He wore three folded cloth, a shining thread, and His neck was decorated with a beautiful jasmine garland. Seeing this form, the rsis were enchanted and they humbly petitioned, ‘We surrender to Your lotus feet. Please give us devotion.’
“Hearing the rsis’ prayer, Gaurahari replied, Listen rsis. Give up all desires, the chains of jñāna and karma, and just discuss topics of Krsna. Within a short time I will unfold My lila in Navadvīpa. Then you will see My pastimes of nama-sankirtana. But now, keep this subject a secret. Worship Krsna at Kumārahaṭṭa at the ghāṭa made by you.’
When Lord Gauranga disappeared, the seven rṣis went to Kumārahaṭṭa. At this place now you see seven filās, or hillocks. These seven hills are arranged in the same pattern as the seven rsis in the sky (the constellation). By living here one will receive Gaurahari without having to undergo a strict process of rules and regulations.
(Sri Navadvipa-Dhama-Mahatmya, Chapter 9)

When will the audience of Saunaka and the rşis give me mercy and put the dust of their feet on my head? I will raise my two hands and say, “O residents of Navadvipa, attentively drink the nectar of gauranga-lila in this forest!”
(Sri Navadvipa Bhava-taranga)

Īśāna Ṭhākura and his three associates were enchanted by the beauty of Mājidā village, which had previously been known as Madhyadvīpa. “At one time there were seven saints who were absorbed in the glories of the Lord, and as they observed the beauty of Navadvīpa, they began to discuss the reasons why Navadvīpa was the most holy of all places. One saint said that the glories of Nadia were boundless because the Lord would perform many pastimes there, both in prakaṭa and aprakaṭa forms. Everyone would be able to see the prakaṭa līlās of the Lord, and the most fortunate devotees would also see the aprakaṭa līlās. Another saint said that simply to benedict the Kali-yuga the Lord would take birth in the house of Jagannātha Miśra. His complexion would be golden, and he would enchant the entire universe.
“Another saint said that the Navadvīpa pastimes of Kṛṣṇa would be beyond the comprehension of Brahmā and the demigods. Yet another commented that because Sacinandana was self-willed, so all his activities would be performed according to his own personal desires. In the Kali-yuga he would benedict mankind with the most precious gift of devotional love. Another saint commented that because Mahāprabhu would be the ocean of kindness, his favor towards the living entities would be boundless. He and his associates would enchant the entire world by saṅkīrtana. Yet another saint knew that Gaurahari would be the life of his devotees and he would renounce his home to live the life of an ascetic. Although he would bless the holy places with his presence, he would live in Kṣetra out of great love for Lord Jagannātha. In this way the seven saints talked and remembered the lotus feet of the Lord.
“During the midday sun, and like the midday sun, Prabhu appeared before them. The saints could not blink their eyes, wanting to observe the enchanting beauty of Prabhu unceasingly. Being ecstatic, they fell at the feet of Prabhu and began to eulogize him in various ways. After completing their circumambulation around Prabhu, they said to him, ‘O dear Lord, we all cherish the hope of observing your Nadia sport with our own eyes. We also want to see Nadia in our meditation and to sing the praise of your devotees.”
“The saints prayed to Prabhu to give them a thousand eyes to observe Prabhu himself. Prabhu, being pleased, told them, ‘Your desires will be fulfilled but mind one thing, my Navadvīpa sport is a confidential one. So you have to keep it in your confidence.’
“Hearing this, the saints said, ‘Prabhu, is it humanly possible to cover the sun by the palms?’
“Prabhu began to smile on hearing this. After favoring the saints, Prabhu disappeared. They felt very sorry due to his disappearance and left that place. They went to Kumāra-haṭṭa on the bank of the Ganges, which was very suitable for their establishment, and decided to stay there. That place became famous as the Sapta-ṛṣi Ghāṭa. This place had become famous by the name of Madhyadvīpa because Prabhu had appeared here like the midday sun. The saints who had been engaged in meditation here had kept its name as Madhyadvīpa, which could vanquish all misfortunes. Due to the sport of Gaurāṅga here, it has become famous in the world.”
(Bhakti-ratnākara by Sri Narahari Cakravarti, Chapter 12, Page 340-341)

The seven great sages and before them the four other great sages and the Manus [progenitors of mankind] are born out of My mind, and all creatures in these planets descend from them. (sapta—seven)
(BG 10.6)

Information: This is a Lupta Tirtha, a sacred site whose exact location has yet to be discovered.