Suddha Bhakata Carana Renu
Bhaktivinod Thakur has written a song “Suddha Bhakata Carana Renu”. This song is taken from the book Saranagati (Section: Bhakti Anukula Matra Karyera Svikara Song 3). Bhaktivinoda Thakura describes the association with Sri Krsna’s devotees very important. He also speaks about the importance of the Holy Dhams where pastimes of Sri Krishna Caitanya were performed. He speaks about the importance of observing fasts like ekadashi and janmashtami. In this song the importance of prasadam is stated. Offering what we eat to the Lord is an integral part of bhakti-yoga and makes the food blessed with spiritual potencies. Then such food is called prasadam, or the mercy of the Lord. Krishna’s potency is absorbed in that food. In this way material substance becomes spiritualized, which then affects our body and mind in a similar way. This is His special mercy for us. Thus, the devotional process becomes an exchange of love between us and God, which includes food. And that food not only nourishes our body, but also purifies our consciousness.
bhakata-seva, parama-siddhi,
prema-latikara mula
madhava-tithi, bhakti-janani,
jetane palana kori
krishna-basati, basati boli’,
parama adare bori
gaur amara, je-saba sthane,
koralo bhramana range
se-saba sthana, heribo ami,
mridanga-badya, sunite mana,
abasara sada jace
gaura-bihita, kirtana suni’,
anande hridoya nace
jugala-murti, dekhiya mora,
parama-ananda hoya
prasada-seba korite hoya,
sakala prapanca jaya
je-dina grihe, bhajana dekhi,
grihete goloka bhaya
carana-sidhu, dekhiya ganga,
sukha sa sima paya
tulasi dekhi’, juraya prana,
madhava-toshani jani’
gaura-priya, saka-sevane,
jivana sarthaka mani
bhakativinoda, krishna-bhajane,
anakula paya jaha
prati-dibase, parama-sukhe,
swikara koroye taha