Nitai Ki Nam Eneche Re

Bhaktivinod Thakur has written this song Hare Krsna Hare Nitai Ki Nam Eneche Re. The Official Name for this song is Nagara Kirtana Song 7 Sri Nama. This song is taken from the book Gitavali. Bhaktivinoda Thakura describes the essence of the Hare Krishna mantra. He gives an example of Ajamila who by only taking the name of Sri Krishna went to Vaikuntha. Sri Nityananda is so merciful that he gave the Holy Names of Krsna to all the afflicted souls. Even the demigods find pleasure in taking His names.

nitai ki nam eneche re
(nitai) nam eneche, namer hate,
sraddha-mulye nam diteche re
hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare re
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare re
(nitai) jivera dasa, malina dekhe’,
nam eneche braja theke re
e nam siva jape panca-mukhe re
(madhur e harinam)
e nam brahma jape catur-mukhe re
(madhur e harinam)
e nam narada jape vina-yantre re
(madhur e harinam)
e namabase ajamila vaikunthe gelo re
e nam bolte bolte braje calo re
(bhaktivinoda bole)

(1) Oh, what a wonderful name Lord Nityananda has brought! Nitai has brought the divine name to the Marketplace of the Holy Name, and He is giving away that name for the mere price of your faith! Oh!
(2) Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare-Oh! Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare-Oh!
(3) Oh, seeing the miserable condition of the fallen souls of this world, Nitai has personally brought the holy name from the transcendental realm of Vraja! Oh, Lord Siva chants this holy name with his five mouths! This holy name is so sweet! Oh, Lord Brahma chants this holy name with his four mouths! This holy name is so sweet! Oh, Narada Muni chants this holy name while playing on his vina! This holy name is so sweet! Oh, just by the dim reflection of this holy name, the sinful Ajamila went to Vaikuntha! Bhaktivinoda therefore says, “Oh, continuously chanting this holy name, go at once to the divine realm of Vraja! This holy name is so sweet!”