Nadiya Godrume Nityanand Mahajan
Bhaktivinod Thakur has written this song Nadiya Godrume Nityanand Mahajan. This song is taken from the book Gitavali Gitamala (Section: Yamuna Bhavavali Song 10). Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that Nitya nanda prabhu has spread Hare Krishna Mantra all over Nadiya. Krishna and His names are ultimate and taking His names should be our goal in life. We should spread the essence and importance of this name all over the world so that even the afflicted souls get benefited.
nadiya-godrume nityananda mahajana
patiyache nama-hatta jibera karana
(sraddhaban jana he sraddhaban jana he)
prabhura ajnaya bhai magi ei bhikha
bolo krishna bhajo krishna koro krishna-sikha
aparadha-sunya hoye loha krishna-nama
krishna mata krishna pita krishna dhana prana
krishnera somsara koro char anacara
jibe doya krishna-nama sarba-dharma-sara
1)Â In Nadiyas Godruma the great soul Lord Nityananda has opened a marketplace to sell the holy name to the conditioned souls.
2)Â (O faithful people, O faithful people,) O my brothers, by the Lord’s command I ask this charity of you: Please chant, Krishna!”, worship Krishna, and learn and teach about Krishna.
3)Â Chant Krishna’s name without offense. Accept Krishna as your mother. Accept Krishna as your father. Accept Krishna as your wealth and your life.
4)Â Give up all sins. Make Krishna your whole world. Be merciful to all souls. Chant Krishnaâs names. That is the essence of all religion.