Jiva Jago Jiva Jago
Bhaktivinod Thakur has written this song Jiva Jago Jiva Jago. The official Name for this song is Arunodaya Kirtana 2 (Kirtana songs to be sung at dawn). This song is taken from the book Gitavali. Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that Maha prabhu is so humble that He has come down to this material world to deliver all the fallen souls. Sri Caitanya is very merciful He wants all His children to wake up and come with Him to His spiritual abode. He doesnāt want us to suffer so He gave us the special Hare Krsna mantra. Just chant and be happy, remember Sri Krishna, Love Him and then go back to His abode. It is so simple yet we fools donāt relish it.
jÄ«v jÄgo, jÄ«v jÄgo, gauracÄnda bole
kota nidrÄ jÄo mÄyÄ-piÅÄcÄ«ra kole
bhajibo boliyÄ ese samĢsÄra-bhitare
bhuliyÄ rohile tumi avidyÄra bhare
tomÄre loite Ämi hoinu avatÄra
Ämi binÄ bandhu Ära ke Äche tomÄra
enechi ausĢ£adhi mÄyÄ nÄÅibÄro lÄgiā
hari-nÄma mahÄ-mantra lao tumi mÄgiā
bhakativinoda prabhu-caranĢ£e pariyÄ
sei hari-nÄma-mantra loilo mÄgiyÄ