Gauranga Tumi More Doya Na Chadiho

Vasudev Ghosh has written this song “Gauranga Tumi More Doya Na Chadiho”. In this song, Vasudev Ghosh requests Lord Gaura not to neglect Him while showering His divine mercy.


gaurāńga tumi more dayā nā chāḍiha
āpana kariyā rāńgā caraṇe rākhiha
tomāra caraṇa lāgi saba teyāginu
śītala caraṇa pāyā śaraṇa lainu
e kule o kule mui dilu tilāñjali
rākhiho caraṇe more āpanāra bali’
vāsudeva ghoṣe bale caraṇe dhariyā
kṛpā kari rākha more pada-chāyā diyā


1) Oh Lord Gauranga! Please do not neglect to show me Your mercy! Making me Your own very property, kindly keep me situated at the reddish soles of Your feet.

2) With the intention of attaining Your feet, I have utterly renounced everything. Now I have taken full shelter of Your soothing lotus feet.

3) Whether I am related to this family lineage or that family lineage – I have completely abandoned them all. I beg You to mercifully keep me by Your feet, calling me Your own.

4) Vasudeva Ghosa says, “Since I have tightly grasped hold of Your feet, please keep me here by always bestowing their soothing shade.