Gaura Gadadhara Arati
Bhaktivinod Thakur has written a song Bhale Gaura Gadadharer Arati and the Official Name for this song is Gaura Gadadhara Aratik (at Ṭhākura Bhaktivinoda home at Surabhi-kunhja in Godruṁa-dvīpa). This song is taken from the book Gitavali (Section:Arati-Kirtan Song 1). Bhaktivinoda Thakura describes about the beautiful pastime of Sri Radhey and Sri Krishna. On the occasion of Their meeting different types of instruments are played and Kirtans are sung which sounds very pleasant to the ears. Different sakhis perform different services. Each one tries their best to make Sri Radha and Gopal happy. Watching this beautiful arati gives pleasure to the heart.
bhale gora-gadadharer arati nehari
nadiya-puraba-bhave jau bolihari
kalpataru-tale ratna-simhasanopari
sabu sakhi-bestita kisora-kisori
purata-jadita kota mani-gajamati
jhamaki’ jhamaki’ labhe prati-ańga-jyotih
nila nirada lagi’ vidyut-mala
duhuń ańga mili’ sobha bhuvana-ujala
sańkha baje, ghanta baje, baje karatala
madhura mrdańga baje parama rasala
visakhadi sakhi-vrnda duhuń guna gaowe
priya-narma-sakhi-gana camara dhulaowe
anańga mashjari cuya-candana deowe
malatira mala rupa mashjari lagaowe
pashca-pradipe dhori’ karpura-bati
lalita-sundari kore jugala-arati
devi-laksmi-sruti-gana dharani lotaowe
gopi-jana-adhikara raowata gaowe
bhakativinoda rohi’ surabhiki kushje
arati-darasane prema-sukha bhushje
(1) As I behold the wondrous arati of my Lords Gaura and Gadadhara, I enter into the mood of Their existence previous to appearing in Nadiya (Their Vrndavana lila as Sri Sri Radha and Krsna). It is simply indescribable.
(2) Underneath a desire-tree, seated upon a jeweled throne, the ever-youthful couple named Kisora and Kisori are surrounded by all of Their gopi friends.
(3) Sri Radhika and Lord Govindaji are decorated with many shining jewels and pearls inlaid with gold artwork, enhancing the sparkling splendor of each and every limb of Their transcendental forms.
(4) The meeting of Their two bodily forms has generated a luster that brightens all the worlds, and may be compared to a garland of lightning (Radha) fixed upon a dark blue raincloud (Krsna).
(5) On the occasion of Their meeting there is a concert produced by the sounding of conchshells, bells, karatalas and mrdangas. Such kirtana is supremely sweet and relishable to hear.
(6) The cowherd damsels of Vrndavana led by Visakha Devi sing the glories of the Divine Couple while the priya-narma-sakhis cool Their Lordships by waving camara fans.
(7) Ananga Manjari offers Them sandalwood pulp scented with cuya while Rupa Manjari places a garland of jasmine flowers about Their necks.
(8) The beautiful Lalita Sundari holds a lamp of five flames scented with camphor and waves it aloft, offering arati to the Divine Couple.
(9) Parvati, Laksmi, and the personified Vedas cry in great happiness while rolling on the ground and singing of the fortunate position of the damsels of Vraja-bhumi.
(10) Bhaktivinoda resides at Surabhi Kunja in the land of Godruma-dwipa, relishing the joy of divine love at the sight of this beautiful arati.