Thakur Bhakti Vinode Institute



Thakur Bhaktivinode Institute teaching up to the Matriculation standard of the Calcutta University with provisions for the residence of students, was declared open by Pararaahansa Paribrajakacharyya Sri Srimat Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaj on Good Friday, the 3rd. April, 1931 before a distinguished gathering of gentlemen hailing from far and near. The Institute is located at Sreedham Mayapur within the compound of the Maha-yogapitha ( site of advent of Lord Sri Chaitanya ) in the most picturesque and healthy surroundings. The substance of the speech delivered on this occasion explaining the object of the Institution, has already appeared in the Gaudiya of April II. We have a mind to incorporate its English version in a later issue of this journal. The policy of purely secular education to which the modern Universities are steadily drifting, only makes worse the evil which it intends to cure. The real cure of sectarianism can be found in the provision of religious education under the suprevision of bonafide teachers of the principles of the universal function of the soul. No one can be a bonafide teacher of the soul, who does not himself lead in all sincerity a perfectly pure and non-sectarian life. There is necessity for an Institution for teaching the Truth Absolute by really competent teachers. Such teaching does not stand in the way of any real interest of individual or society. Thakur Bhaktivinode has demonstrated in his works that it is the teaching of Sri Chaitanya that the Scriptures do not require us either to be thoughtlessly engrossed in the temporary affairs of this world or to neglect them in any way. It is possible for and incumbent on every one to perform all secular duties in conformity with the universal serving aptitude of the pure soul. Thakur Bbaktivinode Institute stands for this substantive spiritual culture as being not only practicable but necessary as providing the real remedy of all the evils of the Age. Srijut Bipin Bihuri Bandyopadhyaya, B. A., B. T, Headmaster of the: Ranaghat H. E. School in a nicely worded address expressed reasoned appreciation of the educational policy put before them by the Presidential speech.
(THE HARMONIST AS IT IS ¡ ‘VOL.4 (VOL. XXVIII, June 1930 – May 1931), Page 383)

I know that this Institute is the pioneer of its kind, the harbinger of a new era of real education based on theistic principles I know that Thakur Bhakti Vinode Institute is the soul-awakening institution which will stand as the torchbearer of Transcendental Light and spiritual culture all the world over. When the Most Hon’ble Marquess of Zetland, the President of the ”London Gaudiya Mission Society”, came to learn of the lofty ideals and the noble aspirations of Thakur Bhakti Vinode Institute, His Lordship was pleased to endow the award of a gold and a silver medal to the students of outstanding merit of the Institute, and expressed his opinion that this Institute would one day serve as the beacon light to all sincere seekers after Truth in the domain of education….
A teacher’s task is in every way a very responsible one. ‘A bird of passage’ can never serve as a teacher. A real teacher is the eternal friend of the soul of man. He helps the unfolding of his spiritual character. A teacher must be well-established in Spiritual life. His efficiency and scholarship will then be productive of lasting good to his pupils. The baneful effects of Godless education imparted by the modern Universities has been bitterly felt by all responsible authorities at the helm of public education.
Thakur Bhakti Vinode Institute has been established at Sreedham Mayapur, the place of birth of the Supreme Lord Sree Krishna Chaitanya, in order to eradicate in ‘toto’ the evils of Godless education that is being imparted in our schools and colleges. It is unique in its kind and unparallelled in its vitality. I fervently hope that my friends, both the teachers and the taught, will kindly bear in mind this fundamental characteristic of Thakur Bhakti Vinode Institute.
Though Thakur Bhakti Vinode Institute imparts religious instructions paripassu with secular and intellectual education, yet, I request those who guide the destinies of so many young learners in their pliant aptitudes, that the goal must never be lost sight of even for a single moment. My firm conviction is that Sree Chaitanya Vani, who has now appeared before us as our Divine Master Om Vishnupad Sree Sreemad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaj, the Founder- President of this Institute, should ever be the guiding principle of the Institute. Most fortunately for all concerned He is the Soul of this Institute and all other member-assistants are His limbs rendering willing sevices to His guiding will. He is the veritable embodiment of the Sreemad Bhagawatam a Divine Book which is the quintessent genuine exposition of all religious scriptures of the world. It is the Vedanta amplified and elucidated. So Thakur Bhakti Vinode Institute must follow in the wake of Sreemad Bhagawatam, and I am glad to learn that the holy personage who holds the chair of this meeting is also a Sreemad Bhagawatam or better known as Sreemad Bhakti Sambal Bhagawat Mabaraj and I heartily offer my feelings of gratitude and thankfulness to this eminent holy personage.
Part of the speech by His Holiness Tridandi Swami Srimad Bhakti Pradip Tirtha Maharaj
(THE HARMONIST AS IT IS VOL.7 (VOL. XXXI, Sept.1934 – July 1935), Page 396)