Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu & Sri Radha Madhav


“One cannot attain Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa by hearing the glories of Viṣṇu for a billion kalpas. Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa can be attained only by association with the gopis. And one cannot attain the association of the gopis except by taking shelter of the lotus feet of Gauranga. Therefore, please, constantly worship Gauranga with full devotion.
“Devotees exclusively attracted to the lotus feet of Gauranga, like bees attracted to nectar, certainly attain Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa. If You desire the goal of devotion-servitorship to Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa in Vṛndāvana, which is so rare in this world then go quickly to Navadvīpa and worship Gauranga, the ocean of mercy. At present, Kṛṣṇa, the dearmost of Radha, is residing there in the form of Gauranga.
“In order to bestow the mood of the gopis, Kṛṣṇa, the son of Nanda, has appeared in a two-armed golden form, with hands extending to the knees, and with pleasing eyes and face. In the dress of a devotee, He chants His own auspicious name in a loud voice and sometimes He chants ‘gopi, gopi, gopi.’
(Sri Navadvipa-Dhama-Mahatmya, Pramana-Khanda, Chapter 2)

By descending as an incarnation at Navadvīpa, You, just like Kṛṣṇa, have already delivered all the living entities of the universe.
(CC Antya 3.86)

Narottam Das Thakur has written this song “Gaurangera Duti Pada”. The official name of this song is Savarana-sri-gaura-mahima (The Glories of Sri Gauranga). This song is taken from the book Prarthana. In this song, Narottam Das Thakur has described about the glories of the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya.

gaurāńgera duṭi pada, jār dhana sampada,
se jāne bhakati-rasa-sār
gaurāńgera madhura-līlā, jār karṇe praveśilā,
hṛdoya nirmala bhelo tār
je gaurāńgera nāma loy, tāra hoy premodoy,
tāre mui jāi bolihāri
gaurāńga-guṇete jhure, nitya-līlā tāre sphure,
se jana bhakati-adhikārī
gaurāńgera sańgi-gaṇe, nitya-siddha kori’ māne,
se jāy brajendra-suta-pāś
śrī-gauḍa-maṇḍala-bhūmi, jebā jāne cintāmaṇi,
tāra hoy braja-bhūme bās
gaura-prema-rasārṇave, śe tarańge jebā ḍube,
se rādhā-mādhava-antarańga
gṛhe bā vanete thāke, ‘hā gaurāńga’ bo’le ḍāke,
narottama māge tāra sańga

1) Anyone who has accepted the two lotus feet of Lord Caitanya can understand the true essence of devotional service. If one is captivated by the pleasing pastimes of Lord Caitanya, the dirty things in his heart will all become cleansed.

2) One who simply takes the holy name of Gaura-sundara, Sri Krsna Caitanya, will immediately develop love of God. To such a person I say: Bravo! Very nice! Excellent! If one appreciates the merciful pastimes of Lord Caitanya and feels ecstasy and sometimes cries, this process will immediately help him to understand the eternal pastimes of Radha-Krsna.

3) Simply by understanding that the associates of Lord Gauranga are eternally free from material contamination, one can immediately be promoted to the transcendental abode of Lord Krsna. If one simply understands that the land of Navadvipa is not different from Vrndavana, then he actually lives in Vrndavana.

4) If one says: “Let me dive deep into the waves of the nectarean ocean of the transcendental loving movement introduced by Lord Caitanya”, he immediately becomes one of the confidential devotees of Radha and Krsna. It does not matter whether one is a householder living at home or a vanaprastha or sannyasi living in the forest, if he chants “O Gauranga, and becomes a devotee of Lord Caitanya, then Narottama dasa begs to have his association.
