Gaura-Radha Madhava


Information – Earlier Rudradvipa was situated on the western bank of the Ganges. But due to the erosion of the Ganges, Rudra Dvipa is now situated on the eastern bank of the Ganges. Rudra Deva knew that Gaurahari would appear in Nadia in His eternal golden form. He came here and worshipped Gauranga. Sri Gaurasundara appeared before him and told him that immediately He would incarnate in Sri Mayapur and fulfill his wish. The place is named Rudradvipa because Sri Rudradeva worshipped Gaura here. This is the very place, where the propagator of Shudha Advaita (purified monism), Acharya Sree Vishnu Swami received the mercy of Rudra and became the Acharya of Rudra-sampradya.

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada established the Gaudiya Math at this place in 1936. The deity of Gauranga Mahaprabhu that Srila Prabhupada served while performing the hundred crores (shata-koti) nama yajna, is present here. On 7th March, 1936, during the Navadvipa Parikrama, Srila Prabhupada installed the deities of Gaura-Radha Madhava.

If you are indeed interested in logic and argument, kindly apply it to the mercy of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu. If you do so, you will find it to be strikingly wonderful.
(CC Adi 8.15)

Mahā-rudra incarnated from Your anger. Through Him You annihilate the entire creation. Rudra, who is nondifferent from Saṅkarṣaṇa, appeared from the face of Saṅkarṣaṇa and devours the three worlds (through the fire of time)
(ŚrÄŤ Caitanya-bhāgavata, Madhya-khaṇḍa 15.039 – 15.040)
