Information – Malati Lata hanging from the Banyan tree and making a beautiful fragrant sunshade
That very personality who stole my heart during my youth is now again my master. These are the same moonlit nights of the month of Caitra. The same fragrance of mÄlatÄ« flowers is there, and the same sweet breezes are blowing from the kadamba forest. In our intimate relationship, I am also the same lover, yet still my mind is not happy here. I am eager to go back to that place on the bank of the RevÄ under the VetasÄ« tree. That is my desire.
(CC Antya 1.78 / CC Madhya 13.121)
O plants of mÄlatÄ« flowers, mallikÄ flowers, jÄtÄ« and yÅ«thikÄ flowers, have you seen Kį¹į¹£į¹a passing this way, touching you with His hand to give you pleasure?
(CC Antya 15.34)
The gopÄ«s then began to address the tulasÄ« plants: “Dear tulasÄ«, you are much beloved by Lord Kį¹į¹£į¹a because your leaves are always at His lotus feet. Dear mÄlatÄ« flower, dear mallikÄ flower, dear jasmine flower, all of you must have been touched by Kį¹į¹£į¹a while He was passing this way after giving us transcendental enjoyment. Have you seen MÄdhava passing this way? O mango trees, O trees of jack fruit, O pear trees and Äsana trees! O blackberries and bael trees and trees of kadamba flower–you are all very pious trees to be living on the bank of YamunÄ. Kį¹į¹£į¹a must have passed through this way. Will you kindly let us know which way He has gone?” (Krsna book 30)
There are other trees also which decorate the hill, such as the golden lotus flower, the cinnamon tree, mÄlatÄ«, kubja, mallikÄ and mÄdhavÄ«.
(SB 4.6.16)
āShe gathered Her sakhis together between the Ganges and Yamuna Rivers. She created there a beautiful place, decorated with creepers and trees and filled with male and female bumble bees. Deer and buck were happily enjoying as they wandered about, and the whole area was filled with the fragrance of jasmine, mallikÄ, and mÄlatÄ« flowers. That transcendental abode was adorned with tulasi forests and decorated with various groves. On Radhaās order, the Ganges and YamunÄ, with their pleasant water and banks, acted as a moat to protect the garden. Cupid himself, along with springtime, eternally reside there, and the birds constantly sing the auspicious name of Kį¹į¹£į¹a.
(Sri Navadvipa-Dhama-Mahatmya, Pramana-Khanda, Chapter 2)
Bhaktivinoda Thakur has written this song āGodruma Dhame Bhajanaā. The official Name for this song is āBhakti Anukula Matra Karyera Svikara Song 2ā³. This song is taken from the book Saranagati. Bhaktivinoda Thakura tells us the importance of the Dham Godruma which is non different from Nandagram. He talks about the significance of tilaka markings, tulasi beads as well as taking the names of Lord Krsna and Nitya nanda through Krishna Kirtan.