

Information – The small Gaura-Nitai deities in the bhajan kutir are known as ‘Nitaipadakamala’. These deities were installed by Srila Prabhupada in 1975, and since then they have been known by this name. They were taken on the boat-preaching program, which was also named Nitaipadakamala. Srila Prabhupada traveled on this boat from Prabhupada Ghat to the Ganga-Jalangi Sangam. Srila Prabhupada said that this program should not stop and added, “By going to these villages, you will receive so much mercy from Mahaprabhu, so much mercy.” When they are not out on the boat, they are worshipped at the bhajan kutir.

During the annual Sri Navadvipa-dhama Parikrama, the deities of Nitaipadakamala are traditionally carried in a procession. The photo above captures a moment from this procession.


Nitai Pada Kamala Boat


Jayapatāka: Would you like to see the gośālā or the boat today, Śrīla Prabhupāda?
Prabhupāda: Which side is boat?
Jayapatāka: Straight.
Prabhupāda: Straight?
Bhavānanda: Boat is at Hulor Ghat.
Prabhupāda: The boat is worth seeing. (laughter) (break)
(760117 – Morning Walk – Mayapur)

Information – One devotee in Mayapur was touring down on the Ganga taking a boat from Padma down and this gave Jayapataka Maharaja the idea of a boat party. He got the permission of the devotees concerned and was sent enough money from New York to buy a boat. Jayapataka Maharaja personally went and bought a boat from Diamond Harbour, Habrah, to Mayapur. Srila Prabhupada named the boat “Nitai Pada Kamala”. Soon a set of Gour Nitai deities appeared in Mayapur and Srila Prabhupada personally installed Them in the boat.
(HH Jayapataka Swami Biography)

January 19th, 1976
Arriving at the ghāṭa Śrīla Prabhupāda made a quick inspection of our newly acquired boat. He went on board and carefully inspected the interior, as Sudāmā Mahārāja explained the setup. Prabhupāda was pleased and agreed to install the Deities of Śrī Śrī Gaura-Nitāi in a few days’ time when preparations are complete.

February 5th, 1976
The head pūjārī, Jananivāsa, assisted by newly arrived GBC Jagadīśa dāsa, performed the abhiṣekha of Śrī Śrī Gaura-Nitāi. The beautiful twenty-inch high neem-wood Deities were installed as the proprietors of the oceangoing boat “Nitāi Pada Kamala.” Sudāmā Mahārāja plans to sail up and down the Ganges with Their Lordships and other Māyāpur devotees, preaching from village to village.

February 7th, 1976
Today is Śrī Advaitācārya’s appearance day, a half-day fast, and the day chosen for the launch of the boat.
In the early morning Prabhupāda was driven in a jeep to Hoola Ghat on the Jalāṅgī River, where he inspected the “Nitāi Pada Kamala.” Its renovations are complete, and the Deities have been installed below deck. The small wooden forms of Śrī Śrī Gaura-Nitāi will be taken on procession through villages whenever the boat lands.
It is a good facility, a 12 ton “Jali” class boat, about forty feet long and fifteen feet wide. It has a shallow draft and was previously used to transport hay, although the maritime authorities have licensed it to carry up to 56 passengers. The devotees have added a cabin above deck along most of its length. Brightly painted in green, yellow, and red, the boat was gaily decorated for today’s occasion with strings of orange marigolds. The high mast is painted in yellow and red strips like a barber’s pole. Inside the cabin the main support beams are bright-yellow and red with lotus-flower motifs.
Tamal Krishna Mahārāja helped Śrīla Prabhupāda on board over the rickety bamboo ramp. Prabhupāda carefully inspected every corner of the boat. Then he sat for a few minutes on a straw mat, while the devotees held kīrtana. Prabhupāda likes the idea of preaching on the boat, and he encouraged Sudāmā Mahārāja to make it a success.
Later in the morning Sudāmā Mahārāja sailed away down the Gaṅgā with seventeen men, including four of the older boys from the gurukula, on their maiden voyage. It was a magnificent sight. Many local villagers lined the shore, eager to witness their departure.

February 10th, 1976
Bhavānanda Mahārāja came in to see Prabhupāda later this morning, requesting permission to join the boat party. He said he was feeling strained from the burden of constant management and felt it would enliven him to go out and preach in the villages.
Śrīla Prabhupāda pointed out that he could not speak Bengali, so how would he preach? Bhavānanda Mahārāja said he had a white body, so if he danced and chanted that would attract many people.
Prabhupāda raised his eyebrows. “Yes!” He agreed it was a good idea. Bhavānanda left immediately.

February 15th, 1976
Sudāmā Mahārāja came back from his travels on the Nitāi Pada Kamala boat. Gurukṛpa Swami, who arrived early in the morning, went to join it for a few days after hearing how successfully they are faring.
The devotees on the boat program have been received enthusiastically wherever they go. After docking at a village, they take Śrī Śrī Gaura-Nitāi ashore and go on a procession through the village, door to door. All the villagers give a rupee and some foodstuffs, and in return they receive a Gītār-gāna. In this way hundreds of books and large amounts of prasādam are being distributed. Everyone traveling on the boat is very enlivened, especially the gurukula boys.

February 22nd, 1976
Jayapatāka Mahārāja reported that the boat program was going well. One day they sold 250 Gītār-gānas, and many people are requesting them to do programs in their villages. They also have three new devotees shaved up and chanting. Upon hearing of their success, Prabhupāda’s eyes grew big and bright. A smile of innocent surprise lit up his face, as if it were something very great and unexpected. His genuine response, almost a childlike wonder, was completely endearing.
Although he is the transcendental overseer of a large international movement, operating with thousands of men, millions of dollars, and selling tens of millions of books every year, he is still so humble and unassuming; the perfect ācārya and pure devotee.

March 5th, 1976
Bhavānanda Goswami returned today from the boat program, enthusiastic and full of wonderful stories about the response they have been receiving. Prabhupāda relished hearing about the daily programs in the villages and big receptions they got wherever they went.
Bhavānanda described how they simply dock the boat, perform kīrtana, and then walk in procession with Śrī Śrī Gaura-Nitāi. The villagers become very eager to have the party visit their homes. The devotees make it a point to sell everyone a Gītār-gāna, which they daily distribute by the hundreds.
Prabhupāda was excited at the news of the book sales. He made it clear this was the success of the party. He praised Bhavānanda that he had begun book distribution in India. He now wants 100,000 Gītār-gānas printed immediately.

(Transcendental Diary By Hari-Śauri Dāsa, Volume 1, Chapter Nine, Śrī-dhāma Māyāpur)
