Mayapur Academy


Mayapur Academy is located at ISKCON Mayapur, situated on the banks of the Ganges River, in Mayapur, West Bengal, India.

Mayapur Academy curriculum was developed and managed by ISKCON Deity Worship Ministry to fulfill ŚrÄ«la Prabhupādaā€™s desire for the development of deity worship and brahminical culture in ISKCON. It is a joint educational initiative of the ISKCON Mayapur Deity Department and ISKCON Deity Worship Ministry. Its prime function is to train devotees who aspire to take the role of brāhmaį¹‡as and temple pÅ«jārÄ«s who are capable of fulfilling the needs of ISKCON communities.

By creating an educational institution of excellence in Mayapur to teach brahminical culture, arts and sciences, deity worship, cooking, saį¹skāras etc. this vision will be fulfilled.

Mayapur Academy is open to all initiated devotees. Our thanks must go to our growing network of volunteers and well-wishers. Without your support in the form of service and donations, Mayapur Academy would not be where it is today. You too could be part of a team dedicated to raising brahminical consciousness worldwide.
