Govardhan Puja


Event Schedule for Govardhan Puja Celebration

  • 7:00 am – Darshan Arati
  • 8:00 am – Bhagavatam Class
  • 11:00 am – Abhishek
  • 11:40 am – Bhoga Arati
  • Followed by Annakut Prasadam.

Special Attraction: You will have the opportunity to feed laddu to Giriraja with your own hands. This will begin right after the Darshan Arati at 7:30 am and will continue throughout the day.

Please join us online by watching the live broadcast through the ‘Live Darshan’ tab on the app or website. 🙏🏻

namaste girirajaya sri govardhana namine
ashesha klesha nashaya paramananda dayine
I offer my respectful obeisances unto the king of all hills, Govardhana Hill (the source of enjoyment for the senses, land, and cows). He is a servant of Krsna and is Krsna Himself. He puts an end to unlimited sufferings and bestows the supreme bliss.

“Of all the devotees this Govardhana Hill is the best! Or my friends this Hill supplies Krishna and Balarama, along with their calves, cows and cowherd friends, with all the necessities: water for drinking, very soft grass, caves, fruits, flowers and vegetables. In this way the Hill offers respects to the Lord. Being touched by the lotus feet of Krishna and Balarama, the hill appears very jubilant”.
(SB 10.21.18).

When Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu instructed that the govardhana-śilā, the stone taken from Govardhana, is nondifferent from the body of Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He indirectly advised such foolish persons that one should not be envious of a Vaiṣṇava who belongs to a different caste or sect. One should accept a Vaiṣṇava as transcendental. In this way one can be saved; otherwise, one is surely awaiting a hellish life.
(CC Antya 6.294 purport)

Thus Govardhana is always in touch with the lotus feet of the Lord. And because Govardhana Hill is so obliged to Lord Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma, it is supplying different kinds of fruits, roots and herbs, as well as very pleasing crystal water from its lakes, in presentation to the Lord. The best presentation offered by Govardhana Hill, however, is newly grown grass for the cows and calves. Govardhana Hill knows how to please the Lord by pleasing His most beloved associates, the cows and the cowherd boys.
(Kṛṣṇa Book, Chapter 21)

When Kṛṣṇa was present, although He was playing like an ordinary human child or human being, still, when there was need, He manifested His godly power. That is God. When it was needed to protect the inhabitants of Vṛndāvana, He lifted a big hill, and since then His name is Giri-vara-dhārī. Giri-vara-dhārī means that hill, and He sustained that hill. He was at that time seven years old from material calculation.
(720930 – Lecture – Laguna Beach)

Our specific relationship is with Govardhana Hill and Vṛndāvana forest and nothing more. I therefore request you, My dear father, to begin a sacrifice which will satisfy the local brāhmaṇas and Govardhana Hill, and let us have nothing to do with Indra.
(Krsna Book, 24)


Srila Prabhupada Lecture