Gaura Daha


Whatever comes to my mind in the life of Caitanya I write that, but the order is not chronological.

One day Saci carefully kept a plate of Gauranga’s remnants for me. I ate it as if it were nectar. Receiving Gauranga’s prasada, I became joyful in mind. When will I again eat in plenty his mother’s cooking of wild acyuta sāka, banana flower, kacu, spinach baḍis, manacāki, neem, patola and yogurt badis?

Blissful on eating, I went with the gait of a swan along with Nityananda and Gauranga to the bank of the Ganga and came to the village of Gädigacha while singing the Lord’s name. Govinda Ghosa played mrdanga, Vasudeva Ghoṣa sang the name and Gadadhara and Vakreśvara danced. Hearing the clamor of the Lord’s name, the four directions resounded with ululation. All were absorbed in prema. I did not know how to sing or dance. But I danced with upraised hands. Gauranga made me dance by his side. Though not knowing the tune or tāla, I danced and sang. What did I know? What did Gauranga know?

Coming to the village of Gädigacha, we entered a cowherd area. Gauranga said, “Listen, devotees! Go to the edge of the pond and walk about at leisure. I will rest under this tree. “Under this banyan tree there are joyful cows. I will play with the cowherds.” Many cowherds came and gave yogurt, cheese and butter. The fatigue from the journey vanished. Pradyumna came joyfully with Nrsimhananda. They joined with Purusottamācārya. At the sound of the mrdangas, everyone came out of their houses. The sound of the Lord’s name resounded in the sky. A cowherd named Bhima, most generous, came forward and said, “O cowherd! Listen! My mother is fortunate Syämä, a cowherd woman. She is the daughter of the respected cowherd of Ganga-nagara. She always serves mother Saci as if she were her mother. By this relationship, you are my uncle. Come to my house, O uncle! Come with your group. Perform kirtana of Krsna’s name in bliss. Eat all the yogurt and milk which mother has kept. I will massage your feet.

When all were insistent, Gauränga, with great affection for the cowherd, went to his house. His mother Syämä ululated and had everyone sit in the cowherd’s house. She said, “O learned brother! How is your mother?” Gauranga said, “She is well,” and made his body dance. She gave banana leaves with yogurt and kṣira. With the devotees, wise Gauranga sat and ate.

After eating they went to the bank of the pond. They all gently sang about the qualities of the Lord. Rama dasa, a cowherd, came and said, “The cows will not drink the water of the pond.” A fearful crocodile wanders about in the pond water. The cows moo because they cannot drink the water. Hearing this, Gauranga did nama-kirtana. The crocodile became attracted to the kirtana. Immediately the crocodile came out of the water and approached Gauranga. Touching his feet, he became an attractive devată child. Weeping, the devată child began offering praises. He began narrating his sad tale while crying.

He said, “Cursed by Durväsä, I wandered about as a crocodile, terrifying all people. That great sage was sleeping in Kamya-vana. Being fickle, I cut off some of his matted hair. In anger the sage said, “Become a crocodile for four yugas according to the result of your action.” I cried and pleaded. Mercifully the sage called to me and spoke. “O child of a devată! When Kṛṣṇa will appear in Navadvipa as the life treasure of Saci, by his kirtana the curse upon you will be destroyed. Attaining a celestial body, you will go to Svarga.”

May the son of Saci, deliverer of the fallen, remain ever excellent. The great soul is the shelter of the shelterless, miserable and poor. Your glory is broadcast in the fourteen worlds. You have delivered low entity such as me. This abode of Navadvipa is the essence of all abodes. Here, the avatara for fallen souls of Kali-yuga has appeared. You will deliver the jivas of Kali by the holy name. O Mahaprabhu, you have come. I offer respects to you. For four yugas I have had the form of a crocodile. O deliverer of the fallen! You have delivered me. The name of the Lord from your mouth is very sweet. You have delivered moving and nonmoving beings. Give me permission so that I can go to Svarga. Seeing me, my mother and father will be very happy.

Saying this and offering respects, the devată child departed. Again, the tumult of kirtana arose. Seeing that noon had arrived, all the devotees went with the Lord to Māyāpura. The person who hears this pastime of Mahaprabhu becomes free of curse of a brahmana.

From that time the pond was known as Gora-daha and was similar to Kaliya-daha. From seeing or touching this pond, all sins are destroyed. All the Vedas say that one will then attain bhakti to Krsna. The cowherds saw this with great bliss. Calling him “Uncle” they placed Gauranga on their shoulders. Everyone saw the Lord’s morning pastime. Within them they can see the essence of the pastimes of Balarama and Krsna. They see Govardhana, Manasa Ganga, the bank of the Yamuna and Krsna’s pastimes of herding the cows. These cowherds realized Gauränga’s pastimes as the pastimes of Nanda’s son.

(Prema-vivarta by Jagadananda Pandita, Translated by HH Bhanu Swami, Chapter 15 – Forenoon Pastimes in Navadvipa)
