Kirtan Mela 2025

So it was the desire of ŚrÄ«la Bhaktivinoda į¹¬hākura that Europeans and Americans would come here and chant Hare Kį¹›į¹£į¹‡a mantra. That prophecy is now being fulfilled, and that is my satisfaction.(740927 ā€“ Lecture Arrival ā€“ Mayapur) Mayapur and Vrindaban are place of...

Maha Siva Ratri

Hare Krsna Kailasa, the abode of Siva, is just the effulgence of this Rudradvipa, which shines within Navadvipa. At this place, the eleven Rudras headed by Nila-lohita dance and become stunned with gaura-prema.Ā Durvasa Muni set up his asrama here and gave up his...

ISKCON Mayapur Whatsapp Channel

Hare Krishna! šŸ™šŸ» Welcome to the official ISKCON Mayapur channel, where we share Daily Darshan, Festival updates, spiritual wisdom, and much more. For inquiries related to Mayapur, please email us at For other inquiries, kindly contact your nearest...

Gaura Purnima Festival Inauguration 2025

The members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness should go to India during the birthday ceremony of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu at Māyāpur and perform saį¹…kÄ«rtana congregationally. This will attract the attention of all the important personalities in...