The Birthplace Temple of Srila Prabhupada (Kolkata)
nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale
srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine
namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine
I offer my respectful obeisances unto His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who is very dear to Lord Krishna, having taken shelter at His lotus feet. Our respectful obeisances are unto you, O spiritual master, servant of Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami. You are kindly preaching the message of Lord Chaitanyadeva and delivering the Western countries, which are filled with impersonalism and voidism.
Kį¹į¹£į¹a, and He has got innumerable servant. Kį¹į¹£į¹a is MahÄprabhu, and all others, they are prabhus. And the spiritual master who has got many prabhus to abide by his order, he is addressed as PrabhupÄda. This is the system.
(710810 - Lecture SB 01.02.02 - London)
All of a sudden, perhaps on this date, sometimes between 9 or 10 December . . . at that time, Guru MahÄrÄja was indisposed little, and he was staying at JagannÄtha PurÄ«, on the seashore. So I wrote him letter, "My dear master, your other disciples,Ā brahmacÄrÄ«, sannyÄsÄ«, they are rendering you direct service. And I am a householder. I cannot live with you, I cannot serve you nicely. So I do not know how can I serve you."
Simply an idea, I was thinking of serving him, "How can I serve him seriously?" So the reply was dated 13th December, 1936. In that letter he wrote, "My dear such and such, I am very glad to receive your letter. I think you should try to push our movement in English." That was his writing. "And that will good to you and to the people who will help you." That was his instruction. And then in 1936, on the 31st Decemberāthat means just after writing this letter a fortnight before his departureāhe passed away.
(681209 - Lecture Festival Disappearance Day, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati - Los Angeles)
ReligionĀ withoutĀ philosophyĀ isĀ sentiment, or sometimes fanaticism, whileĀ philosophyĀ withoutĀ religionĀ isĀ mental speculation. The ultimate goalĀ isĀ Kį¹į¹£į¹a, because the philosophers who are also sincerely searching after the Absolute Truth come in the end to Kį¹į¹£į¹a consciousness. ThisĀ isĀ also stated in theĀ Bhagavad-gÄ«tÄ.
(BG 3.3 purport)
Reporter (2):Ā WhatĀ willĀ happen to the movement in the United States when youĀ die?
PrabhupÄda:Ā IĀ willĀ neverĀ die.
Devotees:Ā <i>Jaya! Hari boli>! (laughter)
PrabhupÄda:Ā IĀ shall live for my books, and youĀ willĀ utilize.
(750716 - Interview - San Francisco)
Information – On September 01, 1896, the day after Janmashtami (the auspicious appearance day of Lord Sri Krishna) in a little house in the Tollygunge suburb of Calcutta, a male child was born. His father, Gour Mohan De, and his mother Rajani, named him Abhay Charan (one who is fearless ā having taken shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Krishna).
An astrologer prepared the horoscope for the baby and revealed: When this child reaches the age of seventy, he will cross the ocean, become a great teacher of religion and establish 108 Krishna temples. And this is exactly what happened.
Srila Prabhupada set out to America in 1965 and established the International Society for Krishna Consciousness at the age of sixty-nine. He travelled around the world fourteen times, established more than 100 temples of Krishna and initiated more than 10000 disciples into Krishna consciousness.
Srila Prabhupada always spoke of his early childhood with great fondness. Here we give excerpts from some of his books, lectures and conversations where he recalls his childhood.
My father was a pure devotee of the Lord, and when I was only four or five years old, he gave me a couple of forms of Radha and Krishna. In a playful manner, I used to worship these Deities along with my sister, and I used to imitate the performances of a neighboring temple of Radha-Govinda. By constantly visiting this neighboring temple and copying the ceremonies in connection with my own Deities of play, I developed a natural affinity for the Lord.
I remember when I was only about one year old, there was a great sankirtana in our house and I also joined the dancing party. And I was seeing up to their knees, very small. So I remember those days.
Tridandi Goswami
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
DATE …The.4th…May……..19.77.
My Dear Sankarsan,
Please accept my blessings. Some days before we had a talk regarding the property of Kanthaltala (Maternal uncle’s house). Please have a discussion for purchasing that land. We want to keep our remembrance with that land. Please discuss seriously on this matter and inform me at my Bombay’s address.
My health has gone too bad now so within few days I am going to Kashmir to change the climate.
Hope you and your family members are all well.
Your ever well-wisher,