Mayapur Gurukula


ISKCON Gurukula is an institution dedicated to manifesting Śrīla Prabhupāda’s vision for Vedic education, a system meant to train its students in the philosophy and practice of Kṛṣṇa consciousness.

The model of Vedic education is the gurukula educational system. In the world today, various social and political factors have caused the marginalization of gurukula education in favor of modern secular methods.

ISKCON Gurukula in Māyāpur has prevailed through a more than three decade long effort to push Śrīla Prabhupāda’s vision forward, and now it flourishes. Today, parents, teachers, students, and members of the broader Māyāpur community are proud of the remarkable school that ISKCON Gurukula has become, and are hopeful for a future where this kind of educa- tion can benefit a greater portion of humanity.

