Adhoksaja Vishnu


Information – On the central altar, there are deities of Lord Caitanya as Gaura Narayana with His two wives, Vishnupriya and Lakshmipriya, along with a small four-armed deity of Adhoksaja Vishnu. The divine form of Adhoksaja Vishnu was discovered in 1934 by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura when it surfaced during the excavation for laying the foundation of the temple on the very site of the advent of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya. Adhoksaja Vishnu was the worshipable deity of Jagannatha Misra, and He sits in front of the deity of Gaura Narayana. He is black in color and about eight inches tall, with four arms holding the symbols of Lord Vishnu: disc, club, conch shell, and lotus.

In the Chandogya Upanisad it is also stated: “Within the golden abode, is the golden effulgent Lord, with effulgent hair, effulgent beard, and effulgent from head to foot. His eyes are like the petals of a lotus opening in the morning sun. He is called ut, or transcendental. He is beyond all sins. He who knows this Lord also becomes transcendental to all sin.”
Similarly, in the Mundaka Upanisad a description is given of the spiritual, effulgent, golden abode. That is none other than the spotless Yogapitha within Māyāpur.
(Sri Navadvipa-Dhama-Mahatmya, Pramana-Khanda, Chapter 1)

adhokṣajam — beyond the range of material conception (transcendental)
But it is not possible to know the Supreme Person by imperfect experimental knowledge. He is described here in as the Adhoksaja or beyond the range of experimental knowledge. All our senses are imperfect. We claim to observe everything and anything but we must admit that we can observe things under certain material conditions only which are also beyond our control. The Lord is beyond the observation of sense perception.
(SB 1.8.19 purport)

adhokṣajam — the Transcendence (ŚB 1.2.25)
adhokṣajam — beyond the perception of the senses (CC Madhya 19.205, ŚB 9.14.47)
adhokṣajam — beyond sense perception (ŚB 10.9.13-14)
adhokṣajam — He who is beyond the approach of the senses (SB 3.12.19)
adhokṣajam — who is beyond the reach of the senses (SB 6.4.22)
adhokṣajam — who is beyond the concepts of material senses (SB 4.12.5)
adhokṣajam — to Adhokṣaja, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. (SB 4.7.23)
adhokṣajam — the incarnation of Viṣṇu (ŚB 9.8.20)
adhokṣajam — beyond the range of material conception (transcendental) (ŚB 1.8.19)
adhokṣajam — the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who cannot be seen or perceived with the material eyes or other material senses (ŚB 7.12.15)
adhokṣajam — the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is beyond the reach of the material mind and knowledge. (SB 7.7.36)
adhokṣajam — beyond the perception of the senses (SB 9.14.47)

Jagannātha Miśra said, “Listen, mother of Viśvarūpa, go and cook some fried rice with ghee for our śālagrāma. Tomorrow morning I will bath our Dāmodara śālagrāma with pañca-gavya. I can understand that our śālagrāma is walking around the room. That is why we heard the sound of ankle bells” In this way they both worshiped śālagrāma-śilā with great satisfaction, and the Lord smiled within.
(Śrī Caitanya-bhāgavata, Ādi-khaṇḍa 5.12 – 5.15)

Information – This occasion witnessed the installation of a four-armed image of Vishnu called “Adhoksaja”. The image was found on the 13th June last (1934) when the foundation of the temple was being excavated. The archeologists are of opinion that this sort of image was worshipped in Bengal before the days of Sree Chaitanya, whose father Jagannath Misra used to worship a four armed Vishnu, which fact justified that the image was the family Deity of Sree Jagannath Misra.
(THE HARMONIST AS IT IS VOL.7 (VOL. XXXI, Sept.1934 – July 1935), Page 360)
