Holy Dham Etiquette


The ISKCON Mayapur campus is a fully sanctified area with a spiritual atmosphere, and visitors are expected to maintain its decorum. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

– No smoking, drinking, or any type of intoxication (including coffee) is allowed on the campus.
– Eating or carrying any non-vegetarian products is forbidden.
– No illicit sex.
– No gambling.
– No selfies with deities.
– Do not waste prasadam.
– Do not litter anywhere in Holy dhama; please use designated dustbins.
– Playing any mundane (non-devotional) music is not allowed.
– No pets of any kind are allowed.
– No entry into the temple with cameras, mobile phones, laptops, or any electronic devices, luggage, or shoes.
– No entry into the temple wearing shorts, half-pants, three-quarters, night dresses, lungis, or any other immodest clothing.

We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining the sanctity of the ISKCON Mayapur campus.
