Half Visnu Half Siva Deity


Information – He is half Lord Vishnu (black side) and half Lord Siva (white side). You will see Lord Vishnu’s eternal consort, Lakshmi-devi, on the left, and Lord Siva’s eternal consort, Parvati devi, on the right.

Lord Nityānanda continued on with the devotees while chanting, “Hari, Hari!” Because of ecstatic love, Nityānanda Prabhu tottered as He walked and mumbled as he talked. Tears streamed down His face, and in agitation He cried out, “Gaura, Gaura!” All His ornaments glittered and His divine form illuminated the ten directions. Śrīvāsa, along with Jīva, repeatedly wept and danced. And the other devotees all danced along.

As they approached Alakanandā, Lord Nityananda, immersed in bliss, said, “Starting to the west of Bilvapakṣa village (Belpukura), the Mandākinī River comes and surrounds Nadia. At Suvarnavihara, the Alakanandā River leaves the Mandakinī. On the eastern bank of the Alakanandā River, near the Gandaki River, is Harihara-kṣetra. A beautiful Deity will be discovered there in the future, amidst a lovely forest.
“To the west of the Alakanandā River see Kāśī, where the followers of Siva and his consort endeavor for liberation. This Navadvipa Kāśī, however, is superior to the other Kāśī. Here, Śiva is always dancing and chanting the name of Gaura, begging his followers to accept gaura-bhakti. The sannyāsīs who live for a thousand years in Kāśī may attain liberation through the cultivation of jñāna, but here the devotees kick away that liberation as they dance and chant the name of Gauranga. While leaving the body here, living entities are delivered by Lord Śiva, who chants the name of Gauranga in their ears. This dhama is thus called Mahā-Vārāṇasī, for here there is no fear of death.”
At that moment Nityānanda Prabhu began dancing, and He asked Jiva to accept gaura-prema. Invisible to everyone, Siva came forward and bowed at Nityānanda’s lotus feet. Lord Siva and his consort, Gauri, achieved all their desires by always singing the name of Gauranga.
(Sri Navadvipa-Dhama-Mahatmya, Chapter 8)

Harihara-kṣetra and Kasi-kṣetra are described in these words: “Mahā-Vārāṇasī is the highest abode of Lord Siva. Know that this place, which extinguishes all sin, is better than Kasi.”
In the Matysa Purana it is said: “Since one cannot get liberation except from the Lord, this place is called Avimukta. Whatever sins a man or woman may commit intentionally or unintentionally are turned to ashes on entering into Avimukta-kṣetra. This place is greater than Tirtharaja Prayaga, because, living entities attain liberation here with very little effort.”
In the Linga Purana it is said: “If a killer of a brāhmaṇa enters Avimukta-kṣetra, he will be freed from his sin by the power of this place, and if a person lives in this place he attains a position similar to my own.”
In the Brahma Purana it is said: “Whoever enters Avimukta-kṣetra and worships a linga will not take birth in this world in a billion kalpas.”
(Sri Navadvipa-Dhama-Mahatmya, Pramana-Khanda, Chapter 3)

Prabhupāda: Harihara, Harihara means Kṛṣṇa who takes away all, I mean to say, undesirable thingsKṛṣṇa takes away from the devotee all undesirable things. Thank you, go on. Harahara means who takes away, harati. Or in other words he takes away all miseries, Hare Kṛṣṇahari haraye namaḥ kṛṣṇa yādavāya namaḥ, (Nāma Saṅkīrtana 1

(710717 – Lecture Initiation Excerpt – Detroit)

Jaya Jaya Goracander Arotik

bahu-koti candra jini’ vadana ujjvala
gala-dese bana-mala kore jhalamala

siva-suka-narada preme gada-gada
bhakativinoda dekhe gorara sampada


(6) The brilliance of Lord Caitanya’s face conquers millions upon millions of moons, and the garland of forest flowers around His neck shines.

(7) Lord Siva, Sukadeva Gosvami, and Narada Muni are all there, and their voices are choked with the ecstasy of transcendental love. Thus Thakura Bhaktivinoda envisions the glory of Lord Sri Caitanya.
