

The cowherd boys tell Nimai, “O brother. You are a gopala. Your form as a brahmana boy does not suit You. Come, I will carry You on my shoulders, and we will go herd the cows. We will head towards your mother’s place in Māyāpur.”
One gopa affectionately gives curds mixed with condensed milk, and another gopa becomes unsteady just by seeing the wonderful form of the Lord. Another gopa gives fruits and flowers. saying. “Come to my house every day.”
“You are worshiped by the brahmanas, but You are also the Lord of us gopas. We cannot give You up. You are the object of our knowledge and meditation. Look, even the cows give up their calves and grass and begin mooing on seeing You.
“Since it is late now, go home to Your father’s house, and tomorrow we will meet here again. I will keep yogurt, curds. and condensed milk for You, but if You are late. I will become upset.”
In this way Gaura and Nitai would daily play with the cowherd boys in the Godruma forest. Then, if not too late. Gauranga would bathe in the Ganges before proceeding home.
When will I see these pure love-filled pastimes of Gauranga in Godruma? Will such a day ever be mine? Aspiring to serve the Lord in the company of the gopas with their sentiments, I will reside in a cottage in Godruma with a fixed mind.
(Sri Navadvipa Bhava-taranga)

Of weapons I am the thunderbolt; among cows I am the surabhi. Of causes for procreation I am Kandarpa, the god of love, and of serpents I am Vāsuki.
(BG 10.28)

namo brahmaṇya-devāya
go-brāhmaṇa-hitāya ca
jagad-dhitāya kṛṣṇāya
govindāya namo namaḥ
(Viṣṇu Purāṇa 1.19.65)
Lord Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the prime protector of brahminical culture and the cow. Without knowing and respecting these, one cannot realize the science of God, and without this knowledge, any welfare activities or humanitarian propaganda cannot be successful.
(SB 4.21.38, Purport)

cintāmaṇi-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vṛkṣa-
lakṣāvṛteṣu surabhīr abhipālayantam
govindam ādi-puruṣaṁ tam ahaṁ bhajāmi

I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the first progenitor who is tending the cows, yielding all desire, in abodes built with spiritual gems, surrounded by millions of purpose trees, always served with great reverence and affection by hundreds of thousands of lakṣmīs or gopīs.
(CC Adi 5.22)

Bull is the emblem of moral principle and the cow is the representative of the earth. When the bull and the cow are happy in joyful mood it is to be understood that the people of the world are also happy and are in joyful mood. The reason is that the bull helps production of grains in the agricultural field and the cow delivers milk the miracle of aggregate food values. The human society therefore maintains, these two important animals very carefully so that they can wander everywhere in cheerfulness. 
(SB 1.16.18 purport)

The cow is the most important animal for developing the human body to perfection. The body can be maintained by any kind of foodstuff, but cow's milk is particularly essential for developing the finer tissues of the human brain so that one can understand the intricacies of transcendental knowledge. A civilized man is expected to live on foodstuffs comprising fruits, vegetables, grains, sugar and milk. The bull helps in the agricultural process of producing grain, etc., and thus in one sense the bull is the father of humankind, whereas the cow is the mother, for she supplies milk to human society. A civilized man is therefore expected to give all protection to the bulls and cows.
(SB 3.5.7 purport)

According to Vedic civilization, everyone has the responsibility for taking care of brāhmaṇas, old men, women, children and cows.
(SB 6.2.28 purport)

Cow protection is the business of the vaisyas and along with our preaching, this is the most important work. We must have a good section of Brahmanas in our society and we must also have a good group of vaisyas who can grow grains and tend cows, and thus supply the society with food-grains and milk products from the cow like ghee, curd, cream, etc.
(750526 – Letter to Hasyakari written from Honolulu)

According to smṛti regulation, the cow is the mother and the bull the father of the human being. The cow is the mother because just as one sucks the breast of one's mother, human society takes cow's milk. Similarly, the bull is the father of human society because the father earns for the children just as the bull tills the ground to produce food grains. Human society will kill its spirit of life by killing the father and the mother. It is mentioned herein that the beautiful cows and bulls were of various checkered colors—red, black, green, yellow, ash, etc. And because of their colors and healthy smiling features, the atmosphere was enlivening.
(SB 3.2.29 purport)

Putting on washed clothing, being always pure and being adorned with turmeric, sandalwood pulp and other auspicious items, before breakfast one should worship the cows, the brāhmaṇas, the goddess of fortune and the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
(SB 6.18.52)

O Kṛṣṇa, O friend of Arjuna, O chief amongst the descendants of Vṛṣṇi, You are the destroyer of those political parties which are disturbing elements on this earth. Your prowess never deteriorates. You are the proprietor of the transcendental abode, and You descend to relieve the distresses of the cows, the brāhmaṇas and the devotees. You possess all mystic powers, and You are the preceptor of the entire universe. You are the almighty God, and I offer You my respectful obeisances.
(SB 1.8.43)

The land became a person and collected all the drugs and herbs needed for installing the Deity. The cows delivered five products, namely milk, yogurt, ghee, urine and cow dung, and spring personified collected everything produced in spring, during the months of Caitra and Vaiśākha [April and May].
(SB 8.8.11)
