Mahaprabhu’s compassion for Murari Gupta


It was the desire of Murāri Gupta to leave his body before the disappearance of Caitanya Mahāprabhu, but the Lord forbade him to do so. This is described in the Caitanya-bhāgavata, Madhya-khaṇḍa, Chapter Twenty.
(CC Adi 10.49 purport)

One day, the most pure Murāri thought about the position of the Lord’s incarnations. “While the Lord and His associates are still present in this world, I should think of my own welfare. I cannot understand the pastimes of Kṛṣṇa or how He acts at a particular time. Sometimes He creates, and then He annihilates. Although He destroyed Rāvaṇa and his dynasty to bring back Sītā, why did He then abandon her? Therefore, I should give up my body while He is still present in this world. The proper time to give up my body is while that great personality is still present in this world.” After contemplating in this way, Murāri Gupta secretly brought one sharp chopper. As he brought that chopper and hid it inside the house, he thought, “Tonight I will happily give up my body.”
Lord Viśvambhara resides in the heart of all living entities. He therefore understood Murāri’s resolution. The Lord quickly came to Murāri’s house, and Murāri offered his respectful obeisances at the Lord’s feet. Feeling great compassion for Murāri, the Lord sat on an āsana and began to narrate topics of Kṛṣṇa. The Lord then said, “O Murāri, will you do what I say?” Murāri replied, “O Lord, this body belongs to You.” The Lord asked, “Is that a fact?” Murāri replied, “Yes.” The Lord then whispered in his ear, “Then give Me that chopper. You have kept a chopper inside the house with which you plan to kill yourself. Give it to Me.”
In great lamentation, Murāri exclaimed, “Alas! Alas! Someone has told You a lie.” The Lord said, “Murāri, you are certainly naive. Are you saying that I will know something only if someone else tells Me? I know who made that chopper and where you have hidden it.” The Lord is the omniscient Supersoul in the hearts of all, so He knows everything. He went inside the house and brought out the chopper. The Lord said, “O Murāri, this is how you behave! For what fault of Mine do you want to leave Me? If you leave, with whom will I enjoy pastimes? Who has given you such ideas? O Murāri, give Me your word that you will never think of such things again.”
Lord Viśvambhara then embraced Murāri and placed His hand on Murāri’s head. “You will eat My head, Gupta, you will eat My head if you ever desire to give up your body again.” Murāri immediately fell to the ground and washed the Lord’s lotus feet with his tears of love. The pious Murāri cried as he held the lotus feet of the Lord, and Śrī Śacīnandana cried as He picked Murāri up and embraced him. The mercy that the Lord bestowed on Murāri Gupta is desired by Lakṣmī, Brahmā, Ananta, and Śaṅkara.
(Sri Caitanya Bhagavata Madhya Khanda 20.105 – 20.131)
