Murari Gupta as Garuda


When Caitanya Mahāprabhu appeared in the house of Śrīvāsa Ṭhākura in His Caturbhuja mūrti, Murāri Gupta became His carrier in the form of Garuḍa, and in these pastimes of ecstasy the Lord then got up on his back.
(CC Adi 10.49 purport)

One day in the house of Śrīvāsa, Mahāprabhu roared loudly and assumed His four-armed form. With His four hands decorated with the conchshell, disc, club, and lotus, Viśvambhara called out, “Garuḍa! Garuḍa!” At that time, Murāri Gupta entered Śrīvāsa’s house, fully absorbed in bliss and roaring loudly. Fully absorbed in the mood of Vinatā’s son, Murāri Gupta said, “I am that great devotee, Garuḍa.” As Viśvambhara called for Garuḍa, Murāri Gupta replied, “Here I am, O Lord, Your servant.” The Lord said, “My dear friend, you are My carrier.” Murāri Gupta replied, “Yes. Yes.” Murāri Gupta continued, “Perhaps You forgot that I carried You and the pārijāta tree from heaven. Perhaps You forgot that I carried You to Bāṇapura, where I tore Kārtikeya’s peacock to pieces. O Lord, climb on my back and tell me to which universe I should take You.” The son of Jagannātha Miśra then climbed on the back of Murāri, and the entire house of Śrīvāsa was filled with the vibration of “Jaya! Jaya!” Taking the Lord of Lakṣmī on his back, Murāri Gupta ran around in the courtyard. The chaste wives made auspicious sounds, and all the devotees cried in great ecstatic love. Someone chanted, “Jaya! Jaya!” and someone chanted, “Hari!” Someone else exclaimed, “May I never forget this form of the Lord.” Someone slapped his arms and thighs in jubilation, and someone smiled as he declared, “How glorious is the Lord.” Someone raised his arms and loudly exclaimed, “All glories to Viśvambhara, who is carried by Murāri!” Śrī Gaurasundara swayed in ecstasy on the back of Murāri, who happily wandered throughout the house.
(Sri Caitanya Bhagavata Madhya Khanda 20.078 – 20.093)
