Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura has written this song āSri Gauranga Mahaprabhos Caranayorā. The official name of this song is Sriman Mahaprabhor Asta Kaliya Lila Smarana Mangala Stotram. This song is taken from the book Stavamrta Lahari. In this song, Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura gives a brief description of Lord Chaitanyaās daily schedule.
sri gauranga-mahaprabhos-caranayor ya kesa-sesadibhih
sevagamyataya sva-bhakta-vihita sanyair-yaya labhyate
tam tan-manasikim smrtim prathayitum bhavyam sada sattamair
naumi pratyahikam tadiya-caritam sriman-navadvipa-jam
ratry-ante sayanotthitah sura-sarit snato babhau yah prage
purvahne sva-ganair-lasaty upavane tair bhati madhyahnike
yah puryam aparahnake nija-grhe sayam grhe āthangane
srivasasya nisa-mukhe nisi vasan gaurah sa no raksatu
ratry-ante pika-kukkutadi-ninadam srutva sva-talpotthitah
sri-visnupriyaya samam rasa-katham sambhasya santosya tam
gatva ānyatra darasanopari vasan svadbhih sudhautanano
yo matradibhir iksito āti-muditas tam gauram adhyemy aham
pratah svah-sariti sva-parsada-vrtah snatva prasunadibhis
tam sampujya grhita-caru-vasanah srak-candanalankrtah
krtva visnu-samarcanadi sa-gano bhuktvannam acamya ca
dvitram canya-grhe sukham svapiti yas tam gauram adhyemy aham
purvahne sayanotthitah su-payasa praksalya vaktrambujam
bhaktaih sri-hari-nama kirtana-paraih sardham svayam kirtayan
bhaktanam bhavane āpi ca sva-bhavane kridan nrnam vardhayaty
anandam pura-vasinam ya urudha tam gauram adhyemy aham
madhyahne saha-taih sva-parsada-ganaih sankirtayad-idrsam
sadvaitendu-gadadharah kila saha srilavadhuta prabhuh
arame mrdu-marutaih sisiritair bhrnga-dvijair-nadite
svam vrnda-vipinam smaran bhramati yas tam gauram adhyemy aham
yah sriman aparahnake saha-ganais tais tadrsaih premavams
tadrksu svayam apy alam tri-jagatam sarmani vistarayan
aramat tata eti paura-janata caksus-cakorodupo
matra dvari mudeksito nija-grham tam gauram adhyemy aham
yas tri-srotasi sayam apta-nivahaih snatva pradipalibhih
puspadyais ca samarcitah kalita-sat pattambarah srag-dharah
visnos tat-samayarcanam ca krtavan dipalibhis taih samam
bhuktvannani suvitikam api tatha tam gauram adhyemy aham
yah srivasa-grhe pradosa-samaye hy advaita-candradibhih
sarvair bhakta-ganaih samam hari-katha-piyusam asvadayan
premananda-samakulas ca cala-dhih sankirtane lampatah
kartum kirtanam urdhvam udyama-paras tam gauram adhyemy aham
srivasangana avrto nija-ganaih sardham prabhubhyam natann
uccais tala-mrdanga-vadana-parair gayadbhir ullasayan
bhramyan srila-gadadharena sahito naktam vibhaty adbhutam
svagare sayanalaye svapiti yas tam gauram adhyemy aham
sri-gauranga-vidhoh sva-dhamani navadvipe āsta-kalodbhavam
bhavyam bhavya-janena gokula-vidhor lila-smrter aditah
lilam dyotayad etad atra dasakam prityanvito yah pathet
tam prinati sadaiva yah karunaya tam gauram adhyemy aham
(1)Ā The glories of the Lord’s daily pastimes: Devotional service to the lotus feet of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu is far beyond the perception of Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Lord Sesa-naga and the rest; but it is continually indulged in by the Lord’s own devotees, and it is always available to other souls as well. Now I will begin my description of the process of manasi-seva (service to the Lord executed within the mind). This process is fit for continuous remembrance by the most virtuous sages. Therefore I offer my most respectful obeisances to the eternal daily life and pastimes of the Lord born in Navadvipa.
(2)Ā Brief description of his daily schedule: At the end of night (before sunrise), Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gets up from His bed, stretches His body, talks with His wife and washes His face; (2) in the morning, He is massaged with oil and bathes in the celestial Ganges river, then worships Lord Vishnu; (3) in the forenoon period, He enjoys discussing topics about Lord Krishna with His devotees during visits to their homes; (4) at midday, He enjoys pastimes in the gardens on the bank of the Ganges; (5) in the afternoon, He wanders about the town of Navadvipa, sporting with all the residents; (6) at dusk, he returns home to worship Lord Vishnu and perform other rituals; (7) in the evening, He goes with His associates to the courtyard of Srivasa Pandita to chant the holy names and dance in ecstasy; (8) and at night, He returns home to go to sleep. May this Lord Gaura protect us all.
(3)Ā Period 1: pastimes at the end of the night: At the end of the night, upon hearing the pleasant sounds made by many birds such as the cuckoos, roosters, and others, Sri Gaura arises from His bed. With His wife, Sri Vishnu Priya, He discusses many topics concerning the transcendental mellows of Their mutual loving affairs, and thus They become very pleased. Then He gets up and goes to another room, wherein He sits upon a raised sitting place and is assisted by His devotees in washing His lotus face with nicely scented water. Thereafter, He very happily visits His mother, Sri Saci Devi, as well as other friends and relatives in the home. I meditate thus on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-sundara.
(4)Ā Period 2: morning pastimes: In the morning, after sunrise, the Lord goes with His associates to bathe in the Ganges river. While bathing, they also worship mother Ganges by offering flowers, incense and other presentations. After this, they come onto the bank of the river, where He is dressed with exquisite cloth and decorated with fresh flower garlands, sandalwood paste and other ornaments. Then they all return to His home in order to perform opulent worship of Lord Vishnu as well as other rituals, after which they partake of the foods which were offered to Lord Vishnu. After washing His hands and mouth, Lord Gaura goes into another room to rest very happily for awhile. I meditate thus on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-hari.
(5)Ā Period 3: forenoon pastimes: Upon the arrival of the forenoon period the Lord gets up from His nap and stretches His body. Then he washes His lotus face with sweetly scented water. Meeting with His devotees who are all very fond of chanting Sri Hari-nama-kirtana, He personally tastes and relishes the chanting of the holy names. Thus He sports, sometimes in the homes of various devotees and sometimes in His own home. It this way He increases the ecstatic pleasure of all the people of Nabadwip to limitless heights. I meditate thus on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-chandra.
(6)Ā Period 4: midday pastimes: During the midday period, Lord Caitanya continues to enjoy the performance of intensely enthusiastic chanting and dancing, surrounded by His own dear devotees such as the moon-like Advaita Acarya, Gadadhara Pandita, and the divine madman Srila Nityananda Prabhu. Afterwards, they all wander throughout the gardens and groves on the bank of the Ganges, where they enjoy the sweet cooling breezes from the river. Hearing the pleasant sounds of the bumblebees in those gardens, the Lord remembers His own ecstatic pastimes of Radha and Krishna as they are occurring simultaneously in His own forest of Vrndavana. I meditate thus on the daily pastimes of Sri Gauranga.
(7)Ā Period 5: afternoon pastimes: During the splendidly beautiful afternoon period, the Lord and His devotees become equally maddened in ecstatic love, and being ornamented like this, they expand every-increasing ripples of auspicious benefit for all the three worlds. In this mood, they leave the gardens and travel back toward His home. On the way, they satisfy the eyes of all the townspeople, just as the moon satisfies the cakora bird with its moonbeams. Reaching home, the Lord is lavished with loving attentions by His mother. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Gaura.
(8)Ā Period 6: sunset pastimes: At dusk, the Lord bathes with His dear friends in the river Ganges, who flows in three parts. They devoutly worship the Ganges by offering ghee lamps, flowers, and other articles. Afterwards, the Lord puts on fresh silken clothes and is adorned with flower garlands and other decorations. Then, He worships Lord Vishnu by performing the evening arati ceremony, offering ghee lamps and other articles. Afterwards, He and His friends partake of the foodstuffs and betel nuts that were offered to Lord Vishnu. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Lord Gaurasundara.
(9)Ā Period 7: evening pastimes: In the evening time, the Lord goes to the home of Srivasa Pandita, accompanied by Srila Advaita-chandra and other dear associates. Meeting with the multitude of devotees, He tastes and relishes the nectar of topics concerning Lord Hari and His mind becomes most agitated with the ecstasies of pure love of Godhead. Then, becoming very eager to relish the congregational chanting of the holy names of the Lord, He orchestrates the performance of intensely jubilant sankirtana which attains the summit of passionate glorification of the holy names. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-sundara.
(10)Ā Period 8: midnight pastimes: Continuing well into the night, the Lord dances and dances in the courtyard of Srivasa, surrounded by His most intimate devotees. His most ecstatic singing is accompanied by His devotees who are expert in playing rhythms loudly on the mridanga drums. He wanders and dances with Sri Gadadhara Prabhu in the most astonishing way,througout the night, until just before dawn. Then He returns to His own home, where He retires to His bedchamber and falls asleep with His beautiful consort. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-nataraja.
(11)Ā The benefit of reciting this prayer: Sri Gauranga, the Moon over Navadvipa, is manifest in His own abode during eight periods of each day and every day. His pastimes should be remembered by meditative devotees before they remember the pastimes of Sri Krishna, the Moon over Gokula. If someone lovingly reads or recites the Lord’s eternal daily pastimes as they are illuminated in the ten verses of this prayer, then the Lord is immensely pleased with that person, by His own merciful compassion. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of SriGaurachandra