Srila Prabhupada on Mayapur
Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura’s aspiration that the Europeans, Americans, and Indians all together dance jubilantly and chanting “Gaura Hari.” So this temple, Māyāpur Chandrodaya temple, is meant for transcendental United Nation. What the United Nation has failed, that will be achieved here by the process recommended by Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu.
(Speech Excerpt – Mayapur, 15 January, 1976)
This Mayapur is meant for this purpose, to spread Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement all over the world as it was desired by Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
(Lecture on His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada’s Appearance Day, Mayapur, 8 February, 1977 )
We have plans for erecting a magnificent international city based on this Vedic culture.
(Letter to Sri Chaudhuri, Mayapur, 23 January, 1976)
We are going to have a very big project at Mayapur. We have to acquire 350 acres of land from the Government and construct a spiritual town at the expense of Rs. 200 Crores. The plans and contemplations are going on in different phases, now when Caitanya Mahaprabhu will be pleased it will be taken up.
(Letter to Dinesh Candra Sarkar, 26 August, 1976)
Here in Mayapur we are trying to create a place of inspiration for people throughout the world.
(Letter to P. R. Mohapatra from Mayapur, 4 March, 1976)
I am sure this mission of Caitanya Mahāprabhu will be successful. It must be successful, because Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu wanted it to be done. Simply we, the workers, the servitors, must be very sincere. Then Caitanya Mahāprabhu will give us more and more facilities so that we can work very well. So keep this mission always in view and do your best. That is my only request. Thank you very much.
(Lecture Arrival – Mayapur, 27 September, 1974)
Vrndavana is for residence, Bombay is office for organization, and Mayapur is for worship of the Supreme Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
(Letter to Gurukrpa – Vrndavana, 18 May, 1977)
Now you make Mayapur into a gorgeous palace for Radha and Krsna, and I shall come there immediately and sit down there permanently to stay by them
(Letter to Palika dasi, 18 June, 1976)
This program is very very important. If you can help to organize our cow program in Mayapur, it will be a great credit for you.
(Letter to Hasyakari Das – Honolulu, 26 May, 1975)
I have named this temple Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir, the Rising Moon of Mayapur. Now make it rise, bigger and bigger until it becomes the full moon. And this moonshine will be spread all over the world. All over India they will come to see. From all over the world they will come.
(Letter to Ramesvara, 25 August, 1974)
We do not discriminate that ‘He is needy…’ Everyone is needy. So actually, everyone is in need of spiritual understanding. So by distributing food, the spiritual food, simply by eating, he will be in Krishna consciousness, even if he does not do anything. But actually, we are inviting persons to come, sit down, chant with us Hare Krishna mantra and take prasadam and go home. That’s all. This is our program.
(Lecture at Christian Monastery – Melbourne, 6 April, 1972)
My idea is to attract people of the whole world to Mayapur.
(Room Conversation – Detroit, 15 June, 1976)
“The International Society for Krishna Consciousness now has its world center in Navadvipa, Mayapur. The managers of this center should see that twenty-four hours a day there is chanting of the holy names of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.”
(Caitanya Caritamrta – Adi 17.123)
So Mayapur inhabitants can be engaged in such a small manufacturing enterprise as well as farming to become self-sufficient. Side by side increase our spiritual consciousness by attending to the temple routine work, Deity worship sankirtana, attending class. The idea is we must have the necessities of our life as far as possible independently. But we should not be business minded. Our main business is to develop our dormant Krsna Consciousness.
“The summary is that our men must learn these four things: doll making, mrdanga making, karatala making and if possible making saris.”
(Letter to Jayapataka, Bhavananda, 9 May, 1973)
Please accept my greetings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter with enclosed contribution towards the development of our Mayapur City in W. Bengal, and I thank you very much. We are trying to construct a city where people from all over the world can come to visit and live according to the Vedic tenets of “simple living and high thinking.”” I am pleased to hear that you appreciative of our humble efforts and if you would like to contribute in the future towards this great spiritual city you can send your contributions to me
(Letter to Mr. Hunter, 5 June, 1976)
Gurukula is our most important project. If the children are given a Krsna Conscious education from early childhood then there is great hope for the future of the world.
(Letter to Dayananda, Nandarani, 27 January, 1973)
With regard to the Mayapur house I may suggest that you make one roof garden. On the top of the house you can put soil of six inches and then plant so many tulsi plants and nice bushes. I like garden very much. Just like here in Los Angeles temple they have made on very nice garden for me and I sit there every evening. So you please also make first class Mayapur garden.
(Letter to Jayapataka, 16 April, 1973)
You are the best man for this task of being responsible for our world headquarters at Mayapur, thank you very much for helping me in this way.
(Letter to Jayapataka,22 August, 1972)
Therefore I started Māyāpur this prasāda distribution. And it is coming to be successful. People are . . . politicians are appreciating that here is Hindu-Muslim unity.
(Conversation and Instruction On New Movie, 13 January, 1977)
Prabhupada stood on the roof of his Mayapur building, looking over to the birthplace of Caitanya Mahaprabhu less than a mile away. “Actually,” he said to Bhavananda Maharaja, “their claim to the birthplace of Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not very important. Is Krsna famous for having been born in Mathura? No. He is famous for His activities. Similarly, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not famous for having been born in Mayapur. He is famous for His activities, for His sankirtana preaching. This Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir is the preaching of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Therefore I want a place that is so attractive because of the activities of Caitanya Mahaprabhu that everyone will come here!”
(Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta – Satsvarupa dasa Goswami, Vol.5, Chapter 42 – Developing Mayapur, June 1, 1973)
Srila Prabhupada’s vision and instructions inspire and guide ISKCON Sri Mayapur to strive to fulfil the transcendental desires of His Divine Grace and the previous Acaryas, establishing a spiritual city where the following are essential and prominent.
Both residents and people from all over the world come together to engage in a festival of Harinama sankirtana Yajna and hear, chant and dance to the constant sound of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra and Krishna-katha, thus forgetting their bodily consciousness and experiencing the joy of loving devotional service.
Abundant, pure and delicious prasadam is distributed daily without discrimination to all. Srila Prabhupada said, “No one within a ten-mile radius of any temple should go hungry.”
The Deities of the Lord are gorgeously worshiped with exemplary love and devotion, and glorified through numerous varieties of vibrant festivals.
- TOVP and Vedic Science
The Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP) demonstrates the Vedic alternative to modern atheistic science and cosmology. A variety of scientific presentations on spiritual life display the harmony of science and spirituality, transcending all sectarian boundaries, thus inspiring all who visit to engage in the eternal service of Lord Caitanya.
The cows and bulls are kept happy, protected, worshiped and fully engaged, setting a standard for cow protection all over the world.
Local organic agriculture, cottage and small-scale industries provide the basic needs of the resident community with environmentally sustainable and healthy products enabling and promoting a self-reliant internal economy.
A thriving international community, whose central goal is devotional service in harmony with a progressive but simple material life, demonstrates the spiritual culture, social, and economic life of an ideal Vaishnava society, guided by daiva-varnashrama principles and the Vedic tenets of “simple living and high thinking.” Exemplary social support systems result in a community of happy, healthy devotees.
- Education
The highest level of spiritual and practical education is imparted through a variety of Vedic-inspired facilities at all levels from early childhood to adult education. This will enable people of all ages, genders, nationalities and socio-economic status to be trained in devotional service, develop exemplary character, and acquire the practical skills required to live a productive and spiritually centered life.
The architecture, fine craftsmanship, ample parks and flower gardens, and impeccable cleanliness, beautifully reflect the philosophy, art, principles and glory of Vedic Vaishnava culture, thus creating a favorable environment for spiritual advancement. The physical environment, pastime sites, and sacred ambience of the Dham are respected and protected with great care and attention.
The topmost priority is preaching, book distribution, teaching, and spreading the mission of Lord Chaitanya within the campus, from village to village and country to country in both traditional and innovative ways to all classes of people.
A dynamic world headquarters for ISKCON supports the propagation of the teachings of Lord Chaitanya all around the globe. All ISKCON devotees are encouraged to visit Sri Mayapur on a regular basis and become spiritually inspired.
Pilgrims, guests and devotees, from both nearby and far corners of the world, experience spiritual upliftment while being received, accommodated, honored, cared for, and given an opportunity to learn about and engage in devotional service.
- Regional Development
Devotees care for and work cooperatively with the broader community of the Mayapur region for their spiritual and material wellbeing.