Sriman Mahaprabhu Vijaya Vigraha
Left – Sriman Mahaprabhu Vijaya Vigraha (Two deities with their right arm raised) & Sri Sri Giriraj Govardhan
When the large Deities are installed, the small Deities should be worshiped as Vijaya Vigraha which means this pair of Deities may go outside the Temple in a small car as they have made in L.A. This car was made by Nara Narayan, so he can give you the idea. This Vijaya Vigraha may be taken out with Samkirtan Party, not always, but conveniently
(700316 – Letter to Gopala Krishna written from Los Angeles)
The Deity referred to herein as Govinda is the vijaya-vigraha in the temple of JagannÄtha. When there is a need to take JagannÄtha somewhere, the vijaya-vigraha is taken because the body of JagannÄtha is very heavy. The vijaya-vigraha in the JagannÄtha temple is known as Govinda. For the pastimes in Narendra-sarovara, the vijaya-vigraha was carried there instead of Lord JagannÄtha.
(CC Antya 10.52 purport)