Gaura Nityananda


Information – “Gaura Nityananda” are the original Deities worshipped by Sri Vṛndāvana dāsa Ṭhākura. Sri Baladeva (White), Subhadri Devi (Yellow) and Shyamsundar Jiu (Blue).

InformationṬhākura Vṛndāvana’s appearance place is the very altar of bhakti, the bhakti-pīṭha or vyāsa-pīṭha. This is the Naimiṣa of Gauḍa. When the interest in serving the Śrī Gaura-Nityānanda deities worshipped by Ṭhākura Vṛndāvana disappeared, this place was also practically lost. By the grace of the yugācārya, this place and the worship here is being restored. A temple sanctum, a nāṭya-mandira temple room, and servant’s quarters will be constructed so that very soon the service of Śrī Gaura-Nityānanda in this place can be restored. Last Sunday, in the morning, Prabhupāda Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī Mahārāja laid the cornerstone for the temple in this place with his own hands amid the hari-dhvani cheers issuing from the mouths of countless assembled devotees.
(Nadiya Prakash, 22nd Phālguna, 1334, Tuesday)