(Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura)
To the south, see Sri Pulina, so attractive. That is Vṛndāvana within Navadvipa. Go there to witness Krsna’s pastimes. Soon you will attain Radha’s lotus feet.”
After giving his instructions. Siva will disappear. I will bow down and then continue on, crying all the while. Viewing Sri Pulina for some time, I will fall unconscious to the earth with my voice choked and throat gurgling.
While devoid of external consciousness in a dreamlike state of samadhi, a wondrous figure will appear performing her constitutional service. I will recognize that it is I. Kamala-mañjarī, the eternal assistant of Ananga-mañjarī, the goddess of my heart.
Ananga-mañjarī will introduce me to all her companions, and will give me the service of preparing camphor for Their Lordships. She will reveal to me the pastimes of the divine couple.
Near Śrī Pulina is the Rasa-mandala, where Gopendra- nandana Kṛṣṇa, surrounded by a billion gopis, steals the hearts of all by His dancing with Sri Radha, the predominating goddess of the rāsa dance.
Such graceful dancing does not exist within the material world! By great fortune, whoever sees this pastime at once drowns in that nectar. And whoever attains such a transcendental trance will be unable to give up the happiness of that astounding sight!
I will be unable to describe the sight I will behold. I will lock it in my heart, and gaze upon it eternally. In my own grove, while cultivating that sight in my heart, I will serve constantly under the direction of the sakhis.
Ananga-mañjarī, the younger sister of Rädhārāṇī, will bestow her mercy on me and personally show me the dhama. We will go west of the Rasa-mandala to Sri Dhira-samira, and then a little further to Vamsi-vața and the bank of the Yamuna.
Rūpa-mañjarī will question my mistress, Ananga-mañjarī. who will reply. “This new maidservant will be engaged under Lalita-sakhi’s direction. Her name is Kamala-mañjarī, and she is fixed in devotion to Sri Gauranga. Be merciful and give her spontaneous devotion to our Lordships.”
Hearing this, Rūpa-mañjarī will touch my body with her merciful hand, suddenly imparting to me sublime spiritual emotions and the intense desire to worship in her footsteps.
My complexion is like lightning, and my ornaments and dress sparkle like the midnight stars. I will appear with a camphor tray in my hand, and I will fall flat at her feet and beg for the unalloyed shelter of Sri Radha’s lotus feet.
Rūpa-mañjarī and Ananga-mañjarī will take me to the private grove of Lalita, the charming mistress of Svananda-sukhada-kuñja, who is dwelling inside meditating on the service of Radhārāṇī’s lotus feet.
I will pay my full obeisances at her lotus feet, and Visakha will explain to her my identity. “This is one inhabitant of Navadvīpa. who wants to serve you and thereby serve the feet of Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa.”
Lalita will be very pleased and will say to Ananga-mañjarī. the consort of Sesa. “Give her a place beside yours, and carefully arrange her desired service. Take her along when you go to perform your service, and gradually she will receive the mercy of Sri Radha. Without Radha’s mercy, how can the service of Radha and Kṛṣṇa attained?
Hearing Lalita’s words. Ananga-mañjarī will take me to her grove and make me her own maidservant. She shows her affection by graciously allowing me to accompany her when she goes to serve the divine couple.
While performing my service. I will catch a glimpse of Radhā and Krsna in the distance. Then perhaps Sri Radha will display Her mercy by giving me an order and the shade of Her lotus feet.
Remaining always engaged in that service, I will gradually become expert. Thus I will please Radha and Kṛṣṇa, who will sometimes give me Their ornaments as a reward.
As my dream breaks. I will weep softly. And as I cross the Ganges, I will look back at Sri Pulina. Living near Isodyana in my private grove, I will worship Gauranga, who is nondifferent from Radha and Kṛṣṇa.
Remaining fixed in my vows, I will worship Radha and Govinda, and I will gaze upon Radha-kunda and Vṛndāvana. Remembering the feet of Ananga-mañjarī and the sakhis, I will drown in love of God and in the bliss attained by my personal service to Their Lordships.
This Bhaktivinoda, servant of the servant of Lord Caitanya, is begging for residence in Navadvipa-dhama. I am eager for the feet of Rūpa and Raghunatha Gosvāmis (Rūpa and Rati-mañjarīs). and from them I anxiously beg to achieve my perfect spiritual body and service.
O residents of Navadvipa and Vṛndāvana, quickly establish me in Isodyāna, the abode of the Lord. That is certainly within your power, for it is your place. I am simply a servant, and by assisting in your service to Their Lordships, I may attain residence in the dhama.
O Navadvipa-dhāma, give me your mercy, for without your mercy, how can anyone attain the Lord’s dhamas? Please do not consider whether I am fit or not, particularly in the service I have just done. I have simply extracted the essence of the instructions of Jahnavā (Ananga-mañjarī) and Nityananda Prabhu, the holder of all energies.
Whoever reads this Bhava-taranga with devotional faith will experience the nectar of the pastimes of Gauranga. Svarūpa Damodara (Lalita) will certainly give him mercy, the shade of his feet, and accept him as an associate in the spiritual dhāma.
(Sri Navadvipa Bhava Taranga)
Jāhnavā-mātā is also within the list of Lord Nityānanda’s followers. She is described in the Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpikā (66) as Anaṅga-mañjarī of Vṛndāvana. All the devotees who are followers of Jāhnavā-mātā are counted within the list of Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu’s devotees.
(CC Ādi 11.21 purport)
Prabhupāda: If a woman is perfect in Kṛṣṇa consciousness . . . just like Jāhnavā-devī, Lord Nityānanda’s wife, she was ācārya. She was ācārya. She was controlling the whole Vaiṣṇava community.
Ātreya Ṛṣi: Lord Nityānanda?
Prabhupāda: Wife. Jāhnavā-devī. She was controlling the whole Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava community.
(720629 – Conversation – San Diego)
4) Then the most beautiful and charming Lalita Sakhi will behave very graciously towards me and will accept me as one of her own maidservants. She will take me and give me a residence in a small cottage in her own garden, knowing me to be intensely desirous of rendering eternal service.
2) My small cottage is shining beautifully within that most enchanting garden called Svananda-sukhada-kunja. Living there, I will sing Krsna’s holy name, and I will greedily hanker for that time when I will get the service of Him and His associates.
1) This maidservant has a complexion just like lightning, and she is wearing a sari which has star like decorations all over it. My name is Kamala Manjari. Eternally appearing to be only twelve-and-a-half years of age, I always live within the abode of Svananda-sukhada-kunja.
hena kāle habe bilāsa mañjarī
anańga mañjarī āra
amare heriya ati kṛpa kori
bolibe bacana sāra
eso, eso, sakhī! śrī-lalitā-gaṇe
janibo tomare āja
gṛha-kathā chari rādhā-kṛṣṇa bhajo
tyājiyā dharama-lāja
se madhura vānī śuniyā e jana
se dunhara śrī-caraṇe
āśraya loibe duńhe kṛpa kori
loibe lalita-sthane
lalitā sundarī sadaya hoiya
koribe amare dāsī
sva-kuñja-kutire dibena basati
jāni sebā-abhilāṣī
1) When, at such a time, will Vilasa Manjari and Ananga Manjari come along on the same foot-path and, seeing me in this completely insane condition, will speak to me the sweetest essence of words?
2) They will say, “Come, come, sakhi! Our very dear friend! From now on you will be counted amongst the attendants of Sri Lalita Sakhi! Giving up your household concerns and fear of religious principles, just come along with us now and worship Sri-Sri Radha-Krsna!”
3) Hearing such sweet words, I will unhesitatingly take shelter of the lotus feet of both these sakhis, and they will then show me their merciful favor by catching my hand and bringing me into the presence of Sri Lalita Sakhi.
4) Then the most beautiful and charming Lalita Sakhi will behave very graciously towards me and will accept me as one of her own maidservants. She will take me and give me a residence in a small cottage in her own garden, knowing me to be intensely desirous of rendering eternal service.
cintāmaṇi-maya rādhā-kuṇḍa-taṭa
taha kuñja śata śata
prabāla bidruma maya taru-latā
mukta-phale abanata
svānanda-sukhadā kuñja manohara
tahate kuṭīra śobhe
basiya tathaya gabo kṛṣṇa nāma
kabe kṛṣṇa-dasya hobe
emona samaya muralira gāna,
pasibe e dāsī-kāne
ānanda matibo sakala bhulibo,
sri-kṛṣṇa-vamsira gane
radhe radhe boli murali dakibe
madīya īśwari nāma
śuniya camaki uthibe e dāsī
kemon koribe prāna
1) The banks of Sri Radha-kunda are made of billions of conscious, ecstatic desire-fulfilling touchstones, and surrounding the lake are hundreds and hundreds of beautiful transcendental gardens and groves. All the trees and creepers in those gardens are made of coral and rubies, and the fruits they produce are diamonds and pearls. And their branches are bending down to the ground due to being overburdened with millions of these lovely gems.
2) My small cottage is shining beautifully within that most enchanting garden called Svananda-sukhada-kunja. Living there, I will sing Krsna’s holy name, and I will greedily hanker for that time when I will get the service of Him and His associates.
3) At this time, while thinking like this, the songs of a transcendental flute will suddenly enter this maidservant’s ear. Becoming madly excited by such a sound, I will forget everything and will only listen spellbound to those wonderful songs of Sri Krsna’s flute.
4) The low, deep sound of His long murali flute will call out, “Radhe. . . Radhe. . .” — the very name of my only worshipable Empress and Maharani! Startled with wonder by hearing such a sound, this maidservant will then stand up in great haste with an anxious heart, wondering what to do next.
varaṇe taḍita bāsa tārābalī
kamala mañjarī nāma
sāḍe bāra barṣa bayasa satata
karpūra sebā lalitāra gaṇa
rādhā yutheśvarī hana
mameśvarī-nātha śrī nanda-nandana
āmāra parāṇa dhana
śrī rūpa mañjari prabhṛtira sama
yugala sebāya āśa
abaśya se-rūpa sebā pābo āmi
parākāṣṭhā su-bisbāsa
kabe bā e dāsī saḿsiddhi labhibe
rādhā-kuṇḍe bāsa kori
rādhā-kṛṣṇa-seba satata koribe
pūrba smṛti parihari
1) This maidservant has a complexion just like lightning, and she is wearing a sari which has star like decorations all over it. My name is Kamala Manjari. Eternally appearing to be only twelve-and-a-half years of age, I always live within the abode of Svananda-sukhada-kunja.
2) I render the service of preparing the camphor within the assembly of Lalita Sakhi, of whom Sri Radha is the leader and the center of all their activities. And the Lord of my mistress Radha is the delightful Son of Nanda Maharaja, Who is also the treasure of my life.
3) I always desire to execute conjugal service similar to that which is rendered by Sri Rupa Manjari and her associates. Thus I will certainly get utmost conviction and faith.
4) When will this maidservant thus attain such complete spiritual perfection, living by the banks of Sri Radha- kunda? I will eternally serve Radha and Krsna, and all of my previous memories will be automatically forgotten.
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Information – At the end of each chapter Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura prays to the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä
Chapter One – Aspiring for the shade of the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä, Bhaktivinoda thus sings in bliss.
Chapter Two – Aspiring for the shade of the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä, Bhaktivinoda reveals these truths.
Chapter Three – Desiring to obtain the shade of the lotus feet of Jähnavä and Nitäi, Bhaktivinoda reveals these truths.
Chapter Four – Aspiring for the shade of the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä, Bhaktivinoda reveals these confidential topics.
Chapter Five – Desiring only to attain the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä, this low, worthless, and useless Bhaktivinoda sings this glorification of Nadia.
Chapter Six – Aspiring only to attain the shade of the lotus feet of Jähnavä and Nityänanda, this servant reveals the glorification of Nadia.
Chapter Seven – Giving up the net of mäyä and having only the wealth of the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä, this beggar, Bhaktivinoda, sings the glories of Navadvépa, which have no limit.
Chapter Eight – Holding the order of Lord Nityänanda on his head and knowing that the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä are the essence of life, this worthless Bhaktivinoda describes the glories of Nadia.
Chapter Nine – Bhaktivinoda, within whom the ever worshipable Jähnavä and Nitäi have appeared, sings the glories of Nadia and the sweetness of the devotees while tasting transcendental flavors.
Chapter Ten – Desiring to attain the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä, this worthless pauper describes the glories of Nadia.
Chapter Eleven – Aspiring for the shade of the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä, this vile worthless one sings this glorification of Nadia.
Chapter Twelve – Holding the devotees’ feet and begging from them the treasure of krsna‑bhakti, this worthless and unqualified Bhaktivinoda, whose only wealth is the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä, sings the glories of Nadia.
Chapter Thirteen – Bhaktivinoda, whose only pride is the lotus feet of Jähnavä and Nitäi, sings the glories of Navadvipa.
Chapter Fourteen – To carry out the order of Jähnavä and Nitäi, this worthless wretch sings the glories of Nadia.
Chapter Fifteen – With the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä as my only wealth, Bhaktivinoda sings this glorification of Nadia.
Chapter Sixteen – Desiring the shade of the feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä, Bhaktivinoda sings these pastimes of Navadvipa.
Chapter Seventeen – Desiring the shade of the lotus feet of Nitäi and Jähnavä, this low and worthless Bhaktivinoda speaks these topics.
Chapter Eighteen – Aspiring for the shade of the lotus feet of Sri Nitäi and Jähnavä, this low and worthless Bhaktivinoda has thus sung this glorification of Nadia.