Mahaprabhu Simantinidevi


“One time during Satya‑yuga, Lord Siva began madly dancing, while chanting the name of Gauranga. Parvati asked him, ‘Please tell me who is Gauranga. By seeing your astonishing dance and hearing the name of Gauranga, my heart is melting. All that I have heard in the way of mantra and tantra till now only leads to more entanglement for the living entities. Dear husband, please tell me something of this Gauranga. By worshiping Him will I receive actual life?’ Hearing Parvati’s words, Siva meditated on Gauranga and said, ‘Unto you, who are the primordial energy, one portion of Sri Radha, I will tell the crest‑jewel of all truths. Accepting the spiritual emotions of Sri Radha, Krsna will descend in this Kali‑yuga at Mayapur in the womb of Saci. Lord Gauranga, intoxicated with pastimes of kirtana, will distribute the jewel of prema to everyone without discrimination. Whoever does not drown in that flood of prema is most unfortunate. O Devi, just by remembering the Lord’s promise that He will come, I pass my life drowning in love of God. Being unable to control myself, I have given up my own city of Kasi. Within Mayapur, on the bank of the Ganges, I will live in a hut and worship Gauranga.’ “Hearing Siva’s words, beautiful Parvati quickly went to Simantadvipa. As she constantly meditated on the form of Gauranga and chanted His name, she became immersed in prema. After some time, Gauracandra appeared with His associates to bestow mercy on Parvati. His complexion was like molten gold. He had long arms, wavy hair, and beautiful limbs. He was wearing a long dhoti folded thrice, and from His neck swung a garland of flowers, which was very attractive to behold. In a voice choked with love, Gaura Raya said, ‘O Parvati, why have you come here?’ “Parvati fell at the lotus feet of the master of the universe and with an agitated mind explained her sorrow: ‘O Prabhu Jagannatha, life of the universe, though You are merciful to all, You have deceived me. O deliverer of the fallen, You have appointed me to bind up all the living entities in the material world who are averse to You. I have come into the material world to do this work, and have thus been cheated of Your unlimited prema. People say that wherever Krsna is there is no Maya. I am therefore forced to always remain outside Your spiritual realm, in the material world. So how will I ever see Your pastimes? If You do not offer a way, I am without hope.’ “Saying this, Paravati put Gauranga’s foot dust on her simanta (part in the hair) in great distress. From that, the name of Simantadvipa came. Ignorant people call the place Simuliya. “Gauracandra was pleased, and He said to Parvati, ‘O supreme goddess, listen carefully to My words. You are My energy, you are not separate or different from Me. My one energy has two forms. Within the spiritual kingdom, My original energy has one form as Sri Radha, but for carrying out activities in the material world She has expanded Herself as you. Without you, My lila could not be accomplished, for in the form of Yogamaya, you are necessary in My pastimes. In Vraja, you are eternally present as Paurnamasi, and in Navadvipa you are present as Praudha Maya along with Kshetrapala Siva, guardian of the dhama.’ “Saying this, Gauranga disappeared, and Parvati became overwhelmed with love. Parvati stays in one form as the goddess of Simantadvipa, and in another form as Praudha Maya in Mayapur.”
(Sri Navadvipa-Dhama-Mahatmya, Chapter 6)

In Antardvipa, the Lord Himself described to Brahma the significance of Gauranga’s incarnation. And you saw the attractive form of the Lord at Sīmantadvipa.
(Sri Navadvipa-Dhama-Mahatmya, Pramana-Khanda, Chapter 4)

Further north is attractive Sardanga, where the sabara race, out of fear of the demon Raktabähu, secretly reside with Lord Jagannätha. May I always keep sight of this place. Northwest of Mathura, I will see the splendor of Simantadvipa. situated on the bank of the Ganges. This is where anxious Pārvati placed the dust of the lotus feet of Gauranga on her simanta (the part of her hair).
(Sri Navadvipa Bhava-taranga)

The Supreme Person, Śrī Kṛṣṇa Himself, who is the life of Śrī Rādhārāṇī and is the Lord of the universe in creation, maintenance and annihilation, appears as Gaura, O Maheśvarī.
(CC Adi 2.22 purport)

Information – Deities were installed on 6 May 2012

Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami has written this song “Bhaja Gauranga Bhaja Gauranga”. In this song, Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami asks everyone to worship and chant the names of Lord Gauranga.


bhaja gaurāńga kaha gaurāńga laha gaurāńgera nāma re
je jan gaurāńga bhaje, sei (hoy) āmāra prāṇa re
gaurāńga boliyā du’ bāhu tuliyā nāciyā nāciyā beḍāo re
gāurāńga bhajile gaurāńga japile hoy duḥkhera abasāna re



Worship Lord Gauranga! Chant Gauranga! Speak about Lord Gauranga only! Those who worships Lord Gauranga is indeed my life and soul.

1) Chanting Gauranga, go out with your arms raised dancing and dancing.

2) By chanting Gauranga and worshipping Him, one’s miseries will end.